Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: August 2009:
[gopher] Re: Mailing List Decisions

[gopher] Re: Mailing List Decisions

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Re: Mailing List Decisions
From: "R.A.Pavlov" <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 15:13:13 +0400
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx seems ok for me too

John Goerzen wrote:
> By now it seems consensus is forming that people don't want to move to
> Google, but would like to see the list at some *forge.  So let's see if
> we can reach consensus about this:
> My preference if we do that leans towards, mainly
> because I already have an account there, shell access there, and am
> involved with the sponsoring project (Debian).  I would be happy to
> entertain or some other forge as well, if people prefer.
> Alioth policy requires a Debian developer to create the project, but
> then after that anyone can maintain it.  You need not have an Alioth
> account to participate on the list; you can go straight to mailman.
> I try to avoid SourceForge these days.  It has become so commercialized
> that most pages are nothing but blatant and annoying ads with a little
> content around the edges.
> Comments?
> -- John

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