Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: July 2008:
[gopher] Re: Item Type Suggestions

[gopher] Re: Item Type Suggestions

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To: <gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [gopher] Re: Item Type Suggestions
From: "Trevor" <greendragon@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 23:02:49 -0400
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

with that broad of a typing system, how then would the client determine how 
to handle the file or entry?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "JumpJet Mailbox" <jumpjetinfo@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Gopher Mailinglist" <gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, July 04, 2008 10:57 PM
Subject: [gopher] Item Type Suggestions

> JumpJet suggests the following Item Types be standardized:
> 0 = Plain text file
> 1 = Directory
> 2 = Search CSO server (i.e. a qi/ph index)
> 3 = ERROR
> 4 = BinHex-format file (i.e. a *.HQX file)
> 5 = Binary archive file (i.e. a *.ZIP file)
> 6 = UUencoded-format file
> 7 = Search server (i.e. a WAIS index)
> 8 = Telnet as any kind of terminal
> 9 = Binary file (i.e. a *.EXE file)
> d or D = Any kind of Portable Document Format file (i.e. a *.PDF file)
> g or G = Any kind of Graphic file (i.e. a *.JPG file)
> h or H = HTML file
> i or I = Informational text that is displayed (as if it was a normal file 
> name), but does not NECESSARILY link to any actual file.
> s or S = Any kind of Sound file (i.e. a *.WAV file)
> v or V = Any kind of Video file (i.e. a *.MPG file)
> This is pretty much as things are (to maintain compatability with older 
> Gopher Clients and Servers), with the exception of combining "8" and "T", 
> expanding "G" to include old type "I" (image files other than GIF), and 
> adding new types "D" and "V".
> Note that letter cases are "neutral", so now type "I" and "i" are BOTH the 
> indicators of an "Informational text".
> Modern software has the ability to detect file types and choose an 
> appropriate file viewer. Therefore "Item Types" are of less importance 
> today. Therefore I feel that "Item Types" should be BROADER in their 
> scope, and indicate general file categories only (i.e., s = any kind of 
> Sound file, g = any kind of Graphic file, etc.).
> Examples of grouping extensions in a broad Type system might be:
> Type 0 = DOC, RTF, TXT (also none or un-specified extensions)
> Type 4 = HQX, SEA
> Type 5 = ARC, GZ, LHA, LZH, RAR, TAR, TGZ, Z, ZIP
> Type 6 = UUE
> Type 7 = SRC
> Type 9 = COM, DLL, EXE
> Type d/D = PDF
> Type g/G = BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG
> Type h/H = HTM, HTML
> Type s/S = AU, MP3, WAV
> Type v/V = AVI, MOV, MPG

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