[gopher] Yet another gopher browser for another OS: Arachne under DOS
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Hi folks,
I just managed to get the Arachne web suite for DOS work. Of course, I
checked at once whether it was able to browse gopher sites. The answer
is yes, at least partly. I wasn't able to use Cameron's Veronica engine,
and everything on a gopher page is linkyfied. However, selectors are
marked with a different icon depending on their content (see screenshot)
and they work quite fine. If you don't have a mouse, tab and shift-tab
combinations allow to choose the links you want. So, if you don't click
on informational text on purpose, it's quite usable.
I've added a screenshot, and if you want to give it a try by yourself,
it's not that hard: find the right packet driver for your network
interface card if you use broadband or let Arachne detect your dial-up
modem (my *winmodem* wasn't detected), download Arachne from
http://www.cisnet.com/glennmcc , make a boot diskette, boot with it.
Then launch the packet driver, and then Arachne.
Well, I think Arachne deserves to be mentioned as gopher capable
browser, especially given the fact that it doesn't need an installed OS.
A simple boot diskette is enough, moreover there are not so many
alternatives under DOS/FreeDOS.
-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Ecartis --
-- Type: image/gif
-- File: Arachne_DOS.gif
- [gopher] Yet another gopher browser for another OS: Arachne under DOS,
Stegozor <=
[gopher] Re: Yet another gopher browser for another OS: Arachne under DOS, Stegozor, 2006/12/05