[gopher] Re: Veronica
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I do my own named from here but when your on a thin thread
and it breaks <grimaces>.
They would rather I co-locate but it gets so cold here...
How would I heat my house? and my goodness, who will keep
my old flock running..I just couldnt..
Again sorry for the outage I tried my best to "push a rope up a tree" so to
speak but had to wait for SBC to get me routed back to the world.
And gbnet still isnt reversing me right <grr> I asked authority authority! They
said sure forward but we have all reverses...
wasnt there an elvis costello song like that?
Luddite you say ? But I have nothing against weaving frames!
Orintz Bloodcrest I esq (WAGO 2)
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 09:15:44 +0100
Alessandro Selli <dhatarattha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Benn Newman wrote:
> > On Mon, Dec 19, 2005 at 11:41:49AM -0800, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
> >
> >>Are you guys able to get into hal3000.cx? The name is not resolving today.
> >
> > Chris has had a lot of DNS problems with Greenbay Net (is ISP). The name
> > server,
> > according the the whois on the domain, is which looks right.
> > *shrug*
> $ host hal3000.cx
> hal3000.cx has address
> hal3000.cx mail is handled by 10 mail.hal3000.cx.
> hal3000.cx mail is handled by 100 root.hal3000.cx.
> Looks like they fixed it up.
> --
> Alessandro Selli
> Tel: 340.839.73.05
> http://alessandro.route-add.net
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