Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: March 2004:
[gopher] Re: Announcing Gopher::Server 0.1 for Perl

[gopher] Re: Announcing Gopher::Server 0.1 for Perl

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Re: Announcing Gopher::Server 0.1 for Perl
From: "William G. Davis" <william_gordon_davis@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 22:42:03 -0800 (PST)
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

--- Timm Murray <tmurray-gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Yes, I have some ideas on a database-driven Gopher
> server, where 
> the physical files would be stored as SHA1 sums on
> the filesystem 
> and the database would point to them.  Thanks to the
> magic of 
> relational databases, different file formats can be
> easily stored 
> as the same database row, but that row would relate
> to a 'formats' 
> table that would specify the given MIME/Gopher type
> for seperate 
> files that contain the same information.  The whole
> idea is to make 
> good use of +VIEWS.  This is all dream-mode stuff at
> this point, and 
> I'll need to implement Gopher+ first.

That all sounds very exciting.

> Also, thanks for your work on Net::Gopher.  Using
> some of the 
> Net::Gopher classes that were already available made
> implementing 
> Gopher::Server a lot easier.  The only constructive
> critisim I have 
> is that the Net::Gopher::Response class seemed too
> oreinted twards the 
> client side of things, so Gopher::Server::Response
> replicates the 
> functionality needed to for Response classes for
> servers.  In the 
> future, I'd like to see Net::Gopher and
> Gopher::Server using the same 
> Response class.  Though ATM, I don't remember what
> it was that 
> convinced me that Net::Gopher::Response wouldn't
> work.  I'll have to 
> look over the code and get back to you.

Net::Gopher:Response really isn't intended for
anything other than client-side response
receiving/manipulation, and not response creation. (In
fact, the POD doesn't even tell you how to create
Net::Gopher::Response objects and populate them, just
how to manipulate them.) When I started work on my
server, I ended up wanting something like
Net::Gopher::Request to store parsed requests... But
the namespace "Net::Gopher::Request" is a little to
specific. It would be nice to eventually have general
purpose, reusable request/response classes (e.g.,
Gopher::Request and Gopher::Response) like LWP does.

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