[gopher] Re: Announcing Gopher::Server 0.1 for Perl
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On Sat, Mar 13, 2004 at 08:46:50PM -0800, William G. Davis wrote:
> Nice job Timm!
> Here's the URL for those of you who haven't seen it
> yet: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Gopher-Server
> I had actually started work on a similar module, Timm,
> but you seem to have much more clever things in mind
> :) It looks like it's going to be really neat, and I
> can't wait to see how it turns out.
Yes, I have some ideas on a database-driven Gopher server, where
the physical files would be stored as SHA1 sums on the filesystem
and the database would point to them. Thanks to the magic of
relational databases, different file formats can be easily stored
as the same database row, but that row would relate to a 'formats'
table that would specify the given MIME/Gopher type for seperate
files that contain the same information. The whole idea is to make
good use of +VIEWS. This is all dream-mode stuff at this point, and
I'll need to implement Gopher+ first.
Also, thanks for your work on Net::Gopher. Using some of the
Net::Gopher classes that were already available made implementing
Gopher::Server a lot easier. The only constructive critisim I have
is that the Net::Gopher::Response class seemed too oreinted twards the
client side of things, so Gopher::Server::Response replicates the
functionality needed to for Response classes for servers. In the
future, I'd like to see Net::Gopher and Gopher::Server using the same
Response class. Though ATM, I don't remember what it was that
convinced me that Net::Gopher::Response wouldn't work. I'll have to
look over the code and get back to you.
> --- Timm Murray <tmurray-gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> > The Gopher::Server 0.1 Perl module will soon be
> > available on CPAN. It
> > implements the complete backend needed to create a
> > Perl-based Gopher
> > server.
> >
> > The planned changes for 0.2 are to implement
> > Gopher+, improve type
> > detection (currently only detects plaintext,
> > directories/menu entities,
> > and considers everything else a binary file), and
> > put in some actual
> > documentation (ooohhh!)
> >
> > This should be followed shortly with a
> > ProtocolHandler for Apache2/mod_perl.
> >
> >
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