[gopher] Re: \n.\n
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On Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 04:51 PM, Robert Hahn wrote:
> I would fully support this if you can explain to me how a gopher
> client is supposed to 'know' when the end of a file is and closes the
> connection.
Well, this capability is built into the TCP implementation of the
operating system. Specifically, to read data from the network, you use
the read(2) system call. This system call returns a code indicating how
much data was actually available to read -- or a code indicating that
the other side has finished transmitting and has closed the connection
(among others). A client can simply use the return value from read() to
figure out when the file is finished. Note that other protocols such as
HTTP/1.0 and FTP (data) work exactly this way.
So, \n.\n is not really needed at all in gopher.
-- John