Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: January 2001:
[gopher] Gopher server-side programming

[gopher] Gopher server-side programming

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Gopher server-side programming
From: emanuel at heatdeath organisation <emanuel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 21:13:43 -0800
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Just out of curiosity, are there any common solution out there for
writing interactive apps using Gopher?

I know UMN gopherd lets you run shell scripts, kind of like CGI, but
when I played with it, it was quite limited.  The other way I've seen is
by modifying the source of the server.

So I'm thinking that a great solution would be gopher support for
Servlets (Servlets are most commonly used for HTTP, but implementations
can support other protocols as well).  Does anyone here know of any
implementations that support gopher?  I'm thinking it would be a fun
project... if only I had time.  

This ties in to writing WAP apps using Gopher, of course.

emanuel at heatdeath organisation

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