[Freeciv] Re: how to add a new nation?
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> Would using different spellings or transliterations
> of
> a city name help in keeping track of what national
> perspective the city name came from? For example,
> Byzantium, Constantinople, and Istanbul are the same
> continuously inhabited settlement, but with
> different
> names at different times from different points of
> view.
Yes, but the problem is that people living in a city
tend to keep the previous name, just like the name of
the rivers, mountains, etc. You can find a cities in
Romania called Mures, hungarians call them Maros, but
the name was also used by the romans becouse it is the
name of a river, and the romans took that name from
the dacian kingdom (a thracian nation).
> Also, how do you handle this in a standardized way
> so
> that it is not misinterpred by one group or another
> as
> taking sides in a still-open dispute over history or
> nationality?
I think the best solution would be to modify the
rules, so that when a playing nation builds a city the
first, the other nations in the game cannot build the
same city, even if it has a slightly different name.
But this could complicated, an inventory should be
kept of all cities, and their corresponding names for
each historical nation that has it. From what i now as
a diletant, freeciv does not have such rules. But we
can propose. In the late summer, I can also try to
find how can this be done in the code.
What do you think people?
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