Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv: November 1999:
[Freeciv] Re: im a bit confoooooosed!!!

[Freeciv] Re: im a bit confoooooosed!!!

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To: "'fred schebesta'" <moehorn@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv] Re: im a bit confoooooosed!!!
From: "Todd Goodman" <tsg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 09:38:47 -0500

The getpwuid() message is a warning and should not effect the ability
to play the game.

Here's what I do:

1) Make sure your X server is running.  I use the commercial server
eXceed by Hummingbird.

2) Start the server.  I do a 'set aifill=5' to make five players.

3) Start the client and connect to the defaults (localhost).

4) Go back to the server window and type 's' to start the game.

5) Go back to the client and play.

That assumes you want to play against the AI.  If not, then forget
the server steps and connect to the appropriate machines.

Hope this helps,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: freeciv-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:freeciv-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxx]On
> Behalf Of fred schebesta
> Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 4:42 AM
> To: freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Freeciv] im a bit confoooooosed!!!
> i have got some serious troubles trying to get this gamerunning eg
> >when i click on civclient a message "getpwuid call 
> failed.Please report 
> >this."
> >what the hell does that mean!!!//.........
> any who i though i should tell you and if you could please
> give me some advice on how to get a "getpwuid" or how to get the
> game running!! ie a more informative instruction manual than the
> one provided , which is mainly directed to programmers... or
> people with compiling problems.. etc,, a basic how to get the
> game running and what files to download would be much
> appreciated for the less gifted in the languages of C++..
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