Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv: December 1998:
Re: [Freeciv] Looking for maybe u!

Re: [Freeciv] Looking for maybe u!

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To: "Reinier Post" <rp@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Freeciv] Looking for maybe u!
From: "Martin Willemoes Hansen" <martin_w_hansen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 11:57:07 -0700


>What is FWNG?  Will it replace the stuff at

FWNG is short for Freeciv Website the New Generation, 
it is basicaly a upgrade of the excisting website, and
it will replace the current one at!

It will properly be released at the end of this month
if everything goes well.

>Does the present author work with you?  

Yes, it is Mitch Davis, he put me on the task of making
a new and better website for Freeciv. 

If not,
>please don't bother.  (Balkanization is a bad thing.)

I woulnt if I knew it might not be used.

>[Cc: Mitch Davis]

Mitch can confirm all this!

Best regards

Martin Willemoes Hansen

E-Mail  martin_w_hansen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
IRC     Dr_nick | #stampede
ICQ     11597690

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