[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#15688) gtk2 client needs pregame observer support
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<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=15688 >
> [jdorje - Wed Mar 01 17:35:22 2006]:
> However this is problematic since there is no corresponding button to
> reverse observing. After you /observe your player is automatically
> deleted. To reclaim a player I think you have to:
> /create some-name
> /take some-name
> /aitoggle some-name
> which is so complex that we cannot expect anyone to actually figure it
> out, aside from which you have to pick "some-name" to be a name that's
> not already in use or it won't work. The end result is that if a user
> presses "observe" by accident they've effectively fubared their game.
> Thus, before this is finalized we need to change "/take" so that if
> given no parameters it creates and takes a player for you. Then the
> observe button can be toggled onto a "take player" button when you are
> observing.
This patch should nearly finalize the pregame controls. It solves the
above problems as well as fixing a few other bugs.
* The take command now accepts '-' in place of the player name, in which
case the conn is assigned to a newly-created player (this is actually
fairly trivial, since attach_connection_to_player already accepts NULL).
* The "Observe" button in pregame toggles to a "Take player" button when
the player is observing or detached. Clicking the "Take player" button
simply does "/take -".
* A bug is fixed. Previously doing "/observe" then "/create foo" then
"/take foo" would leave you *observing* foo.
* Another bug is fixed. The "Start" button in the pregame dialog does
nothing when you are detached. Now it is desensitized in this case.
Remaining issues:
* There is no way to start a game when all players are AIs. Running
/start is simply ignored since you are not attached to a player.
* The commands may not work properly in the client when
!game.is_new_game. This needs more testing.
Index: server/commands.c
--- server/commands.c (revision 11727)
+++ server/commands.c (working copy)
@@ -180,7 +180,9 @@
N_("Take over a player's place in the game."),
N_("Only the console and connections with cmdlevel 'hack' can force "
"other connections to take over a player. If you're not one of these, "
- "only the <player-name> argument is allowed")
+ "only the <player-name> argument is allowed. If '-' is given for the "
+ "player name and the connection does not already control a player, one "
+ "is created and assigned to the connection.")
{"observe", ALLOW_INFO,
/* TRANS: translate text between [] only */
Index: server/stdinhand.c
--- server/stdinhand.c (revision 11727)
+++ server/stdinhand.c (working copy)
@@ -89,9 +89,6 @@
bool check);
static bool set_away(struct connection *caller, char *name, bool check);
-static bool is_allowed_to_take(struct player *pplayer, bool will_obs,
- char *msg);
static bool observe_command(struct connection *caller, char *name, bool check);
static bool take_command(struct connection *caller, char *name, bool check);
static bool detach_command(struct connection *caller, char *name, bool check);
@@ -2584,7 +2581,7 @@
const char *allow;
- if (!pplayer) {
+ if (!pplayer && will_obs) {
/* Observer */
if (!(allow = strchr(game.allow_take, (game.info.is_new_game ? 'O' :
'o')))) {
if (will_obs) {
@@ -2597,6 +2594,9 @@
return FALSE;
+ } else if (!pplayer && !will_obs) {
+ /* Auto-taking a new player */
+ return game.info.is_new_game && server_state == PRE_GAME_STATE;
} else if (is_barbarian(pplayer)) {
if (!(allow = strchr(game.allow_take, 'b'))) {
if (will_obs) {
@@ -2844,7 +2844,7 @@
char buf[MAX_LEN_CONSOLE_LINE], *arg[2], msg[MAX_LEN_MSG];
bool is_newgame = server_state == PRE_GAME_STATE && game.info.is_new_game;
enum m_pre_result match_result;
- struct connection *pconn = NULL;
+ struct connection *pconn = caller;
struct player *pplayer = NULL;
bool res = FALSE;
@@ -2879,16 +2879,13 @@
i++; /* found a conn, now reference the second argument */
- if (!(pplayer = find_player_by_name_prefix(arg[i], &match_result))) {
+ if (strcmp(arg[i], "-") == 0) {
+ pplayer = NULL;
+ } else if (!(pplayer = find_player_by_name_prefix(arg[i], &match_result))) {
cmd_reply_no_such_player(CMD_TAKE, caller, arg[i], match_result);
goto end;
- /* if we don't assign other connections to players, assign us to be pconn. */
- if (!pconn) {
- pconn = caller;
- }
/******** PART II: do the attaching ********/
/* check allowtake for permission */
@@ -2898,11 +2895,12 @@
/* taking your own player makes no sense. */
- if (pconn->player == pplayer && !pconn->observer) {
+ if ((pplayer && !pconn->observer && pconn->player == pplayer)
+ || (!pplayer && !pconn->observer && pconn->player)) {
cmd_reply(CMD_TAKE, caller, C_FAIL, _("%s already controls %s"),
- pconn->username, pplayer->name);
+ pconn->username, pconn->player->name);
goto end;
- }
+ }
res = TRUE;
if (check) {
@@ -2920,32 +2918,38 @@
/* if we're taking another player with a user attached,
* forcibly detach the user from the player. */
- conn_list_iterate(pplayer->connections, aconn) {
- if (!aconn->observer) {
- if (server_state == RUN_GAME_STATE) {
- send_game_state(aconn->self, CLIENT_PRE_GAME_STATE);
- send_rulesets(aconn->self);
- send_server_settings(aconn->self);
+ if (pplayer) {
+ conn_list_iterate(pplayer->connections, aconn) {
+ if (!aconn->observer) {
+ if (server_state == RUN_GAME_STATE) {
+ send_game_state(aconn->self, CLIENT_PRE_GAME_STATE);
+ send_rulesets(aconn->self);
+ send_server_settings(aconn->self);
+ }
+ notify_conn(aconn->self, NULL, E_CONNECTION,
+ _("being detached from %s."), pplayer->name);
+ unattach_connection_from_player(aconn);
+ send_conn_info(aconn->self, game.est_connections);
- notify_conn(aconn->self, NULL, E_CONNECTION,
- _("being detached from %s."), pplayer->name);
- unattach_connection_from_player(aconn);
- send_conn_info(aconn->self, game.est_connections);
- }
- } conn_list_iterate_end;
+ } conn_list_iterate_end;
+ }
/* if the connection is already attached to a player,
* unattach and cleanup old player (rename, remove, etc) */
if (pconn->player) {
char name[MAX_LEN_NAME];
- /* if a pconn->player is removed, we'll lose pplayer */
- sz_strlcpy(name, pplayer->name);
+ if (pplayer) {
+ /* if a pconn->player is removed, we'll lose pplayer */
+ sz_strlcpy(name, pplayer->name);
+ }
detach_command(NULL, pconn->username, FALSE);
- /* find pplayer again, the pointer might have been changed */
- pplayer = find_player_by_name(name);
+ if (pplayer) {
+ /* find pplayer again; the pointer might have been changed */
+ pplayer = find_player_by_name(name);
+ }
/* we don't want the connection's username on another player */
@@ -2956,11 +2960,13 @@
} players_iterate_end;
/* now attach to new player */
+ pconn->observer = FALSE; /* do this before attach! */
attach_connection_to_player(pconn, pplayer);
send_conn_info(pconn->self, game.est_connections);
+ pplayer = pconn->player; /* In case pplayer was NULL. */
/* if pplayer wasn't /created, and we're still in pregame, change its name */
- if (!pplayer->was_created && is_newgame) {
+ if (!pplayer->was_created && is_newgame && !pplayer->nation) {
sz_strlcpy(pplayer->name, pconn->username);
Index: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c
--- client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c (revision 11727)
+++ client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c (working copy)
@@ -1386,8 +1386,17 @@
gtk_stockbutton_set_label(ready_button, text);
+ } else {
+ gtk_stockbutton_set_label(ready_button, _("_Start"));
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(ready_button, (game.player_ptr != NULL));
+ if (game.player_ptr && !aconnection.observer) {
+ gtk_stockbutton_set_label(take_button, _("_Observe"));
+ } else {
+ gtk_stockbutton_set_label(take_button, _("_Take player"));
+ }
gtk_tree_view_column_set_visible(record_col, (with_ggz || in_ggz));
gtk_tree_view_column_set_visible(rating_col, (with_ggz || in_ggz));
Index: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c
--- client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c (revision 11729)
+++ client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c (working copy)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
GtkTreeViewColumn *rating_col, *record_col;
static GtkWidget *start_options_table;
-GtkWidget *ready_button;
+GtkWidget *take_button, *ready_button;
static GtkWidget *scenario_description;
@@ -998,9 +998,13 @@
Called when "observe" is clicked.
-static void observe_callback(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
+static void take_callback(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
- send_chat("/observe");
+ if (game.player_ptr && !aconnection.observer) {
+ send_chat("/observe");
+ } else {
+ send_chat("/take -");
+ }
@@ -1436,10 +1440,10 @@
G_CALLBACK(pick_nation_callback), NULL);
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(bbox), button);
- button = gtk_stockbutton_new(GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, _("_Observe"));
- g_signal_connect(button, "clicked",
- G_CALLBACK(observe_callback), NULL);
- gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(bbox), button);
+ take_button = gtk_stockbutton_new(GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, _("_Observe"));
+ g_signal_connect(take_button, "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK(take_callback), NULL);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(bbox), take_button);
ready_button = gtk_stockbutton_new(GTK_STOCK_EXECUTE, _("_Ready"));
g_signal_connect(ready_button, "clicked",
Index: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.h
--- client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.h (revision 11727)
+++ client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.h (working copy)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include "pages_g.h"
extern GtkWidget *start_message_area;
-extern GtkWidget *ready_button;
+extern GtkWidget *take_button, *ready_button;
extern GtkTreeViewColumn *rating_col, *record_col;
GtkWidget *create_main_page(void);