Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2005:
[Freeciv-Dev] some little things

[Freeciv-Dev] some little things

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] some little things
From: Lo'oris <lo_oris@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 21:32:50 +0100

++ (1) important pop-ups:
it would be nice if the important messages would appear as a pop-up at the beginning of the turn.
such as "this wonder is completed" or "this civilization has been 
destroyed" or "this player discovered phiolsophy".
maybe you could customize which message you wish to consider important 
and receive as pop-up ("this player has discovered this tech")
++ (2) useful things about technology and diplomacy:
a) add little icons, based on tech type, near the name of the tech (like civ2 did)
b) add an option "share technology" that works the same as "shared 
vision". Note that this would also help the AIs to share techs with his 
allies - since it almost never requests tech exchanges.
c) don't pop-up diplo screen as soon as somebody contacts you. Instead, 
give a message "he wants to meet you" and a button in the players 
screen to enter the meeting
d) mark which techs are possessed only by you (or, even better. For 
each tech, write how many players know it)
e) add "annual gold tribute" option

f) add "ultimatum" option (i.e. either you accept, or it will be war)

ci vuole gente leggera e con la predisposizione a fare cose stupide per motivi futili.
dove cazzo รจ loris!?
 - BaphometTheEvil

Lo Sito --->

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