Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2005:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#12063) two bugs that crash freeciv2

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#12063) two bugs that crash freeciv2

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Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#12063) two bugs that crash freeciv2
From: "Lo'oris" <lo_oris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 02:37:15 -0800
Reply-to: bugs@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

Il giorno 01/feb/05, alle 05:09, Jason Short ha scritto:

> When this happens try (in the command line while the client is frozen):
> ulimit -c unlimited
> killall -SEGV civclient
> gdb civclient core
> bt full

it says "No stack". If you want i can send you the core file?
or i should recompile freeciv with some debugging enabled? (how?)

> What wonder was it?

marco polo embassy.
i had already an embassy with every other player (all AI), and there 
were three dead players.
Lo'oris un SemidioElettrico che quando parla evoca tsunami 
assassini,tristemente cavalcati e domati da Polli di silicone,Pirati 
boriosi o da Iena Priskin.....
  - Tommy, lo Stregatto Astratto giocoloso di quartiere


Il giorno 01/feb/05, alle 05:09, Jason Short ha scritto:

When this happens try (in the command line while the client is frozen):

ulimit -c unlimited
killall -SEGV civclient
gdb civclient core
bt full

it says "No stack". If you want i can send you the core file?
or i should recompile freeciv with some debugging enabled? (how?)

What wonder was it?

marco polo embassy.
i had already an embassy with every other player (all AI), and there were three dead players.
Lo'oris un SemidioElettrico che quando parla evoca tsunami assassini,tristemente cavalcati e domati da Polli di silicone,Pirati boriosi o da Iena Priskin.....
- Tommy, lo Stregatto Astratto giocoloso di quartiere


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