Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: November 2004:
[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#11118) Start positions at poles for topologies 3 & 7

[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#11118) Start positions at poles for topologies 3 & 7

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Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#11118) Start positions at poles for topologies 3 & 7
From: "Marko Lindqvist" <marko.lindqvist@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 17:16:34 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

  There seems to be often start positions located at pole(s). Are start 
positions assigned just by continent size?
  Attached screen shot shows how size=7, landmass=25, aifill=8, 
topology=7  gave start position at both poles even though there is 
habitable small/medium islands around.

  - Caz

PNG image

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