Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: April 2004:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#8563) wonders have no graphics

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#8563) wonders have no graphics

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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#8563) wonders have no graphics
From: "Jason Short" <jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 12:36:24 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

Jason Short wrote:
> <URL: >
> The gtk2 client puts unit and building graphics into the citydlg.
> But wonders have no graphics.  All they have are little blue squares.  I 
> think this is what's actually included in the tileset.  Instead the 
> tileset shouldn't include these sprites at all.  The client can check 
> for the NULL sprite and simply leave the graphics out.

And a patch.


? jason game.gz
Index: data/misc/buildings.spec
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/data/misc/buildings.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 buildings.spec
--- data/misc/buildings.spec    3 Jan 2003 08:58:48 -0000       1.1
+++ data/misc/buildings.spec    21 Apr 2004 19:35:51 -0000
@@ -59,47 +59,47 @@
   4,  0, "b.police_station"
   4,  1, "b.port_facility"
-  4,  2, "b.space_structural"
-  4,  3, "b.space_component"
-  4,  4, "b.space_modules"
+;  4,  2, "b.space_structural"
+;  4,  3, "b.space_component"
+;  4,  4, "b.space_modules"
   4,  5, "b.capitalization"
 ;  4,  6, ""
 ;  4,  7, ""
-  5,  0, "b.pyramids"
-  5,  1, "b.hanging_gardens"
-  5,  2, "b.colossus"
-  5,  3, "b.lighthouse"
-  5,  4, "b.great_library"
-  5,  5, ""
-  5,  6, "b.great_wall"
+;  5,  0, "b.pyramids"
+;  5,  1, "b.hanging_gardens"
+;  5,  2, "b.colossus"
+;  5,  3, "b.lighthouse"
+;  5,  4, "b.great_library"
+;  5,  5, ""
+;  5,  6, "b.great_wall"
 ;  5,  7, ""
-  6,  0, "b.sun_tzus_war_academy"
-  6,  1, "b.king_richards_crusade"
-  6,  2, "b.marco_polos_embassy"
-  6,  3, "b.michelangelos_chapel"
-  6,  4, "b.copernicus_observatory"
-  6,  5, "b.magellans_expedition"
-  6,  6, "b.shakespeares_theatre"
+;  6,  0, "b.sun_tzus_war_academy"
+;  6,  1, "b.king_richards_crusade"
+;  6,  2, "b.marco_polos_embassy"
+;  6,  3, "b.michelangelos_chapel"
+;  6,  4, "b.copernicus_observatory"
+;  6,  5, "b.magellans_expedition"
+;  6,  6, "b.shakespeares_theatre"
 ;  6,  7, ""
-  7,  0, "b.leonardos_workshop"
-  7,  1, "b.js_bachs_cathedral"
-  7,  2, "b.isaac_newtons_college"
-  7,  3, "b.asmiths_trading_co"
-  7,  4, "b.darwins_voyage"
-  7,  5, "b.statue_of_liberty"
-  7,  6, "b.eiffel_tower"
+;  7,  0, "b.leonardos_workshop"
+;  7,  1, "b.js_bachs_cathedral"
+;  7,  2, "b.isaac_newtons_college"
+;  7,  3, "b.asmiths_trading_co"
+;  7,  4, "b.darwins_voyage"
+;  7,  5, "b.statue_of_liberty"
+;  7,  6, "b.eiffel_tower"
 ;  7,  7, ""
-  8,  0, "b.womens_suffrage"
-  8,  1, "b.hoover_dam"
-  8,  2, "b.manhattan_project"
-  8,  3, "b.united_nations"
-  8,  4, "b.apollo_program"
-  8,  5, "b.seti_program"
-  8,  6, "b.cure_for_cancer"
+;  8,  0, "b.womens_suffrage"
+;  8,  1, "b.hoover_dam"
+;  8,  2, "b.manhattan_project"
+;  8,  3, "b.united_nations"
+;  8,  4, "b.apollo_program"
+;  8,  5, "b.seti_program"
+;  8,  6, "b.cure_for_cancer"
 ;  8,  7, ""

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