Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: November 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#6978) A New Intro Graphic?

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#6978) A New Intro Graphic?

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To: bhuang@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#6978) A New Intro Graphic?
From: "Horn Gábor" <Horn.Gabor@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 17:54:23 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

<URL: >


Really nice image. What about enlarge the globe and remove upper left
textbox? If we can draw tranalated texts to the image the textbox on the
right should be fine.

> Guest wrote:
> > Attached is a proposed design of a new intro.xpm,
> > 
> > Please let me know if this design will be considered or could be enhanced.
> We have a translation problem with including complex text in the intro 
> graphics.
> Currently the text 'Freeciv' needs no translation, and is on the 
> graphics in its own Freeciv-like font.  The "'cause civililization 
> should be free" part is translated and written to the image at runtime.
> First, this means that if you use the new image with a current client, 
> you'll get blue text over your image.  Not good.  Code changes are 
> needed to allow *any* change.
> Changing the text is possible: we could put the text in the tileset file 
> and continue to translate it.  Moving it is also possible: put the 
> location where it is to be drawn.  Specifying the color would be easy 
> enough.  Multiple text fields, varying alignments, changed fonts, or 
> multi-line text are also possible but progressively more complex.
> One choice is to take the intro graphics out of the tileset and have 
> them handled directly by the GUI (as part of its theme).  Then it is up 
> to the GUI code to draw the extra text, or load this information from 
> some .rc file.
> Another choice is to abandon translation of this text.  But I think most 
> players (i.e., non-english-speakers) will not like this.
> jason

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