Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#6159) Colonization: Professions

[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#6159) Colonization: Professions

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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#6159) Colonization: Professions
From: "John Wheeler" <jdwheeler42@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 06:25:45 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

[jdwheeler42 - Sun Sep 14 04:36:02 2003]:

> One possibility to add detail to the game (not in the near future)
> is to have specialization or professions for city workers.  The
> main game effect would be to change the effectiveness of working
> city squares. 
> Some examples:
> "Profession", (effects), [effective terrain]
> "Slave", (-50% food, -50% shields, -50% trade) [all]
> "Lumberjack", (+50% shields) [forests]
> "Farmer", (+50% food) [plains, grasslands]
> "Miner", (+50% shields) [mined mountains, mined hills, mined deserts]
> "Fisherman", (+50% food) [ocean]
> "Oil driller" (+1 shield) [ocean, oil, mined deserts]
"Thief", (-50% food, -50% shields, -100% trade) [all]

I forgot one important point: freeciv already has 4 professions:

"City worker", (+0 food) [all]
"Entertainer", (2 luxury) [city]
"Scientist", (2 science) [city 5+]
"Taxman", (2 gold) [city 5+]

[city] means that the worker does not occupy terrain (this is true in
colonization for professions like Carpenter and Blacksmith)
[city 5+] means that the population needs to be 5 or greater to support
the unit
(+0 food) is there just so every profession has an effect defined. 
Currently, the effects could just be a string of numbers, with which
resource is affected designated by position, but that would not allow
for generalized resources.

Part of my point is that the current default rules could be implemented
as a subset of the professions.

Also, I just noticed that there is nothing in helpdata.txt explaining
exactly what the specialists do, how to get them, or that the city may
need to be a certain size.  For someone who has never played a civ-type
game before, this could be confusing.  (I'm willing to do this, but only
after I finalize my update for diplomacy help and it gets applied to CVS.)



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