Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#6159) Colonization: Professions

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#6159) Colonization: Professions

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To: jdwheeler42@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#6159) Colonization: Professions
From: "rwetmore@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <rwetmore@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 09:07:09 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The "docks" model of Colonization is a separate aspect that is
very much particular to that game's conceptual model. Whether
or not you wanted some sort of worker creation option like this in
Freeciv is debatable, since worker creation is handled differently
in the two games.

In Civ, new workers are created by overflowing the city granary.
These are standard undifferentiated workers, and as such are
pretty much treated as collective counts in cities. You can still
ship workers around to join other cities, i.e. transfer pop by
creating the appropriate mobile unit.

To get differentiated workers, they must be promoted to "elite"
status in some manner. The simplest is to just track how long they
have been doing a given task and after working terraain for a time,
a worker gets a proficiency boost for activities relating to that
resource type. This is much like military units that gain veteran
status from fighting a number of battles (modulo any random factor).

When one creates "worker" units (as opposed to settlers) the trick
is to remember the individual status of the citizen as a parameter
of the worker. They thus continue to be veterans in external worker
activities and, of course, should they join another city would have
their bonus applied if assigned to an appropriate tile there.

 From a coding standpoint, there is now a small individual parameter
struct that one attaches to citizens/workers. This struct lives
on in whatever incarnation the worker is converted into, and is
checked for performance boosts, disease effects, or whatever other
features might arise some day etc.


John Wheeler wrote:
> --- Ilkka Lehtoranta <ilkleht@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Me too... but... In Colonization you had to
> transport
>>your workers around the globe to other cities. Time
>>consuming and boring when you have tens of cities.
> As long as you're on the same continent (or have
> airports), "Go/Airlift to City" I think would work
> fine for that, especially if a "find nearest unit of a
> certain type" command is implemented.  (Automated
> military escorts would make it even better.)  For
> different continents, I think some sort of "Ferry"
> command for ships would need to be implemented to take
> away this tedium (and, this would be helpful for the
> current version, too.) 
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