[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#4065) client crash
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Ran into an assert, while using 1.14.1-devel.
Platform: i586, Linux, Kernel 2.2
I saved the game immediately when it happened, see attachment. Before,
I noticed a `dead` (health=0) but nevertheless visible rifleman on the
map. When I restarted the client, the rifleman was gone.
Shell output:
1: Cannot find sound spec-file "stdsounds".
1: To get sound you need to download a sound set!
1: Get sound sets from <ftp://ftp.freeciv.org/freeciv/contrib/sounds/sets>.
1: Will continue with disabled sounds.
Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
1: IDEX: unit collision: new 671 0x9f13960 Transport, old 671 0x92503d8
civclient: citydlg_common.c:320: get_city_citizen_types: Assertion `i ==
pcity->size' failed.
PS: `successful` misspelled in the diplomat's text regarding bribing of
units. (Is that worth a ticket???)
Description: freeciv.civgame.bug.sav.gz
- [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#4065) client crash,
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