Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#2942) PATCH: Do the same and more for S1_14

[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#2942) PATCH: Do the same and more for S1_14

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To: freeciv@xxxxxxx
Cc: freeciv-data@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#2942) PATCH: Do the same and more for S1_14
From: "Guest via RT" <rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 08:44:21 -0800

This patch does the GTK+/Xaw/GLib thing for the S1_14 branch. It also 
changes tabs to 8 spaces to stop the files from looking ugly when displayed 
with different tab width. And spaces at the ends of lines are eliminated. 
? cleanup_documentation.diff
Index: BUGS
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/doc/BUGS,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -3 -p -r1.9.2.5 BUGS
--- BUGS        2003/01/12 21:35:54
+++ BUGS        2003/02/04 16:35:17
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ This lists only the most obvious bugs.  
- - In the XAW/XAW3d client, the -t options for the tileset to use
-   sometimes does not work. In this case, use --tiles instead.
+ - In the Xaw client, the -t options for the tileset to use sometimes
+   does not work. In this case, use --tiles instead.
- - The display of units in the field left below the turn done button 
-   is a little bit buggy. The AI can move units without an update of 
-   the field. So you see 3-4 units on the field on the left side but 
+ - The display of units in the field left below the turn done button
+   is a little bit buggy. The AI can move units without an update of
+   the field. So you see 3-4 units on the field on the left side but
    only 1 is there. See issue PR#2625 for more info.
  - Your CMA settings are only sent to the server when you press
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ KNOWN BUGS:
    after. Fx when building the lighthouse some triremes will only get
    the movement bonus the next turn.
- - The XAW client can only display 25 citizens in the city dialog.
+ - The Xaw client can only display 25 citizens in the city dialog.
  - The autoattack generally doesn't work very well.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ KNOWN BUGS:
  - The science dialog is not updated when you gain a tech. You need to
    close and open it.
- - In the gtk client, sometimes the area near the minimap contains
+ - In the GTK+ client, sometimes the area near the minimap contains
  - Automate routines like auto explore don't handle triremes very well.
@@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ KNOWN BUGS:
    and after the human player each turn. This will sometimes give the
    impression that the AI moves twice.
- - The xaw client does not work well with the KDE window manager.
-   Try using the gtk client or another window manager.
+ - The Xaw client does not work well with the KDE window manager.
+   Try using the GTK+ client or another window manager.
  - All options given to the client will also be passed to the UI. This means
    when there are identical options they will conflict. It is a problem for
-   the -d and sometimes -t options using the XAW client. One workaround is
+   the -d and sometimes -t options using the Xaw client. One workaround is
    to use long versions of the options instead (--debug and --tiles, in this
    case). See PR#1752.
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Here's what to do:
    - Describe the problem, including any messages that were displayed.
-   - Indicate which client(s) you are using (Gtk+ or Xaw).
+   - Indicate which client(s) you are using (GTK+ or Xaw).
    - Tell us the name and version of:
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ Here's what to do:
        - The version number of Freeciv.
-       - If you are using the Gtk+ client, the version numbers
-         (if you know them) of your Gtk+, glib, and imlib libraries.
+       - If you are using the GTK+ client, the version numbers
+         (if you know them) of your GTK+, GLib, and imlib libraries.
        - If you are using the Xaw client, the version numbers (if you
          know them) of the X libraries, the Xpm library, and the Xaw
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/doc/HACKING,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -3 -p -r1.5 HACKING
--- HACKING     2002/09/19 14:39:39     1.5
+++ HACKING     2003/02/04 16:35:18
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
                           Freeciv Hacker's Guide
 This guide is intended to be a help for developers, wanting to mess with
-Freeciv program. 
+Freeciv program.
 Here and there, you'll see some comments marked as [...], containing more
-personal thoughts on the design, why it looks like it does, and sometimes what 
+personal thoughts on the design, why it looks like it does, and sometimes what
 went wrong. I hope developers will find that interesting too.
 To read about the AI, see README.AI
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ The client is pretty dumb. Almost all ca
 [It wasn't like this always. Originally more code was placed in the
-common/ dir, allowing the client to do some of the world updates itself. 
-The end_of_turn city-refresh was for example performed both on the server 
+common/ dir, allowing the client to do some of the world updates itself.
+The end_of_turn city-refresh was for example performed both on the server
 and on the client. However things got quite complex, more and more info
-was needed on the client-side(security problem). Little by little we moved 
+was needed on the client-side(security problem). Little by little we moved
 more code to the server, and as of 1.5 the client is quite dumb -PU]
 The source code has the following important directories:
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ civ.serv) with lines such as the followi
 set timeout -1          # run a server only autogame
 set aifill 7            # fill to 7 players
 hard                    # make the AI do complex things
-create Caesar           # first player (with known name) created and 
+create Caesar           # first player (with known name) created and
                         # toggled to AI mode
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ watch the show.
 Note, that the server will eventually flood a client with updates
 faster than they can be drawn to the screen, thus it should always be
 throttled by setting a timeout value high enough to allow processing
-of the large update loads near the end of the game. 
+of the large update loads near the end of the game.
 The autogame mode with timeout -1 is only available in DEBUG versions
 and should not be used with clients as it removes virtually all the
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ unit_list_iterate(ptile->units, punit) {
 } unit_list_iterate_end;
 Note that the macro itself declares the variable punit.
-Similarly there is a 
+Similarly there is a
 city_list_iterate(pplayer->cities, pcity) {
 /* Do something with pcity, the pointer to a city struct */
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ unit was the following node unit_list_it
 pointer, and use it in a moment, with a segfault as the result.
 The way to avoid this is to use the function
 void wipe_unit_spec_safe(struct unit *punit, struct genlist_iterator *iter,
-                        int wipe_cargo)
+                         int wipe_cargo)
 and as the second argument write "myiter", a variable declared in the macro.
 The unit list will then automatically be kept sane.
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Then a unit iteration would look like
   struct unit_list *punit_list;
   struct genlist_iterator myiter;
   genlist_iterator_init(&myiter, &punit_list->list, 0);
   for(; ITERATOR_PTR(myiter); ITERATOR_NEXT(myiter)) {
     punit=(struct unit *)ITERATOR_PTR(myiter);
@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ These are defined in common/packets.h.
 For each 'foo' packet structure, there is one send and one receive function:
-int                send_packet_foo     (struct connection *pc,
-                                        struct packet_foo *packet);
-struct packet_foo * receive_packet_foo (struct connection *pc);
+int                 send_packet_foo    (struct connection *pc,
+                                        struct packet_foo *packet);
+struct packet_foo * receive_packet_foo (struct connection *pc);
 The send_packet_foo() function serializes a structure into a bytestream
 and adds this to the send buffer in the connection struct.
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ functions like dio_get_uint32().
 A packet is constituted by header followed by the serialized structure
 data. The header contains the following fields:
-uint16 :       length          (the length of the entire packet)
-uint8  :       type            (e.g. PACKET_TILE_INFO)
+uint16  :       length          (the length of the entire packet)
+uint8   :       type            (e.g. PACKET_TILE_INFO)
 To demonstrate the route for a packet through the system, here's how
 a unit disband is performed:
@@ -193,13 +193,13 @@ a unit disband is performed:
     packet layer function send_packet_unit_request() with this structure and
     packet type: PACKET_UNIT_DISBAND.
 3)  The packet layer serializes the structure, wraps it up in a packet
-    containing the packetlength, type and the serialized data. Finally 
+    containing the packetlength, type and the serialized data. Finally
     the data is send to the server.
 4)  On the server the packet is read. Based on the type, the corresponding
-    de-serialize function is called is called by get_packet_from_connection(). 
+    de-serialize function is called is called by get_packet_from_connection().
 5)  A packet_unit_request is initialized with the bytestream.
-6)  Since the incoming packet is a request (a request in this context 
-    is every packet sent from the client to the server) the server sends a 
+6)  Since the incoming packet is a request (a request in this context
+    is every packet sent from the client to the server) the server sends a
     PACKET_PROCESSING_STARTED packet to the client.
 7)  Finally the corresponding packet-handler, handle_unit_disband() function,
     is called with the newly constructed structure.
@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@ a unit disband is performed:
     wrapped into a packet along with the type PACKET_REMOVE_UNIT:
 11) The packet is serialized and send across the network.
-12) The packet-handler returns and the end of the processing is 
+12) The packet-handler returns and the end of the processing is
     announced to the client with a PACKET_PROCESSING_FINISHED packet.
-13) On the client the PACKET_REMOVE_UNIT packet is deserialized into 
+13) On the client the PACKET_REMOVE_UNIT packet is deserialized into
     a packet_generic_integer structure.
-14) The corresponding client handler function is now called 
+14) The corresponding client handler function is now called
     handle_remove_unit(), and finally the unit is disbanded.
 Notice that the two packets (PACKET_UNIT_DISBAND and
@@ -264,9 +264,9 @@ PACKET_THAW_HINT:
 The Xaw client uses XtAppAddInput() to tell Xt to call the callback
 functions, when something happens on the client socket.
-The Gtk+ client uses a similar gdk_input_add() call.
+The GTK+ client uses a similar gdk_input_add() call.
-[The packet system started out as a pain and it stayed that way all the time. 
+[The packet system started out as a pain and it stayed that way all the time.
 After using Java's object serialize system, this handcoded serialize
 code really feels like the stoneage. That said, I fear it requires some
 advanced pre-processing system etc to automate the task for C structures. -PU]
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ forests and rivers are treated in specia
 [IMO we should have gotten rid of libxpm long ago. The graphics should
 be drawn in 24bit, and then quantized runtime, if the client is displayed
-on a pseudocolor display. 
+on a pseudocolor display.
 The current tile system should be converted to something like civ2's.
 They get away with drawing way less tiles, and it looks better. -PU]
@@ -510,9 +510,9 @@ can ask me on <thue@xxxxxxx>.
-Client GUI- Athena 
+Client GUI- Athena
-One client GUI is written using athena-widgets. A few comments on this 
+One client GUI is written using athena-widgets. A few comments on this
 could prove useful for anyone wishing to write new dialogs or improve
 on the current ones.
@@ -520,9 +520,9 @@ Widgets:
 When you create new widgets for a dialog, like:
-  players_form = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("playersform", 
-                                      formWidgetClass, 
-                                      players_dialog_shell, NULL);
+  players_form = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("playersform",
+                                         formWidgetClass,
+                                         players_dialog_shell, NULL);
 then put the widget properties in the app-default file 'Freeciv', instead
 of hardcoding them. For the widget created above, the following entries
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ Pixcomm and Canvas:
 The Pixcomm is a subclassed Command-widget, which can displays a Pixmap
 instead of a string, on top of a button(command). The Pixcomm widget
 should be used all places where this kind of high-level functionality
-is required. 
+is required.
 The Canvas widget is more low-level. One have to write an expose(redraw)
 event-handler for each widget. The widget generates events on resize
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ widgets to libXaw. In hindsight I should
 widget and add more highlevel functionality. -PU]
-Misc - The idea trashcan 
+Misc - The idea trashcan
 [Currently all of the major entities - units, cities, players, contains
 an unique id. This id is really only required when a reference to an entity
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ There are four player-related entities:
 + nation
   A type of civilization (except that very little actually depends on
-  nation, and the oddity exists that each player must be of different 
+  nation, and the oddity exists that each player must be of different
 + user
@@ -598,8 +598,8 @@ There are four player-related entities:
   (this is the plan; it is not yet implemented).
 + connection
-  Records a client connection; like a user, but disappears when the user 
-  disconnects, whereas for real users we may want to remember them between 
+  Records a client connection; like a user, but disappears when the user
+  disconnects, whereas for real users we may want to remember them between
   connections.  See Connections section below.
 Where do these entities exist?
@@ -649,24 +649,24 @@ users and unprotected ones.
-Currently access levels are stored in the connection struct.  This allows 
-access levels to be assigned to each individual connected player, which 
-would not be the case if they were directly assigned to the player struct 
-(due to the fact that the players array changes when players are added or 
+Currently access levels are stored in the connection struct.  This allows
+access levels to be assigned to each individual connected player, which
+would not be the case if they were directly assigned to the player struct
+(due to the fact that the players array changes when players are added or
 But that's it.
 Players are still created before the game is started, and player names
-still belong to players.  Access levels exist in client and server, 
+still belong to players.  Access levels exist in client and server,
 but only the server uses them.  User ids are not yet implemented;
 Server ids do not exist at all.
-Commands to protect/unprotect users do not yet exist; they would serve 
+Commands to protect/unprotect users do not yet exist; they would serve
 no useful purpose.
-Access levels can set for individual users, including AI players with 
-a connected observer, but only while someone is connected; they will not 
+Access levels can set for individual users, including AI players with
+a connected observer, but only while someone is connected; they will not
 be remembered when the user disconnects.
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ Connections can be classified as follows
 2. (pconn->established == 0) TCP connection has been made, but initial
    Freeciv packets have not yet been negotiated (join_game etc).
    Exists in game.all_connections only.  Should not be sent any
-   information except directly as result of join_game etc packets, 
+   information except directly as result of join_game etc packets,
    or server shutdown, or connection close, etc.
 (All following cases exist in game.est_connections.)
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/doc/README,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -3 -p -r1.5.2.1 README
--- README      2002/11/02 13:24:43
+++ README      2003/02/04 16:35:18
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ Translations:
 You may find a translated version of this file, as well as of other parts
 of the Freeciv documentation, in the following places:
-       Dutch                   ./doc/nl
-       French                  ./doc/fr
-       German                  ./doc/de
-       Italian                 ./doc/it
-       Japanese                ./doc/ja
-       Swedish                 ./doc/sv
+        Dutch                   ./doc/nl
+        French                  ./doc/fr
+        German                  ./doc/de
+        Italian                 ./doc/it
+        Japanese                ./doc/ja
+        Swedish                 ./doc/sv
 Even if there is no translation for your language, the game itself may be
 support it. Please see "Native Language Support" below.
@@ -166,15 +166,15 @@ Client:
   option, which can be used to select different "tilesets" (that is,
   different graphics for the map terrain, units, and so on).  The
   distribution comes with 2 main tilesets:
-  - isotrident: An isometric tileset similar in shape to the one in civ 2. 
-    (not yet supported by the xaw client.)
+  - isotrident: An isometric tileset similar in shape to the one in civ 2.
+    (not yet supported by the Xaw client.)
   - trident: a civ1-style tileset with 30x30 tiles.
     The trident tileset has a variant called "trident_shields".
-  In this release the isotrident tileset is the default in the gtk, amiga,
-  and win32 clients, while the xaw client has trident as default. 
-  The "_shields" variants use a shield-shaped flag, which is smaller and 
-  may be less obscured. 
+  In this release the isotrident tileset is the default in the GTK+,
+  amiga, and win32 clients, while the Xaw client has trident as default.
+  The "_shields" variants use a shield-shaped flag, which is smaller and
+  may be less obscured.
   try them both and decide for yourself -- to use the trident tileset
   start the client with:
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Caveats:
     to before starting the client.
  3) Sometimes there are no games on the metaserver.  That happens.
-    The number of players there vary with the time of the day. Try 
+    The number of players there vary with the time of the day. Try
     starting one yourself!
@@ -389,9 +389,9 @@ Both the client and server print message
 There are five categories of log messages: "fatal", "error", "normal",
 "verbose", and "debug".
-By default, fatal, error and normal messages are printed to standard 
-output where the client or server was started.  You can direct log 
-messages to a file instead of the screen with the "--log filename", 
+By default, fatal, error and normal messages are printed to standard
+output where the client or server was started.  You can direct log
+messages to a file instead of the screen with the "--log filename",
 or "-l filename" command line options.
 You can change the level of log messages displayed with "--debug
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
 Several players and developers hang out on #freeciv on the
 Open Projects network. Try connecting to the server
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