Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: suggestions

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: suggestions

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To: Silvio Santana <slls@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: suggestions
From: Raimar Falke <rf13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 11:17:30 +0100

On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 02:32:31PM -0200, Silvio Santana wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 28, 2002 at 08:03:57PM -0200, Silvio Santana wrote:
> >>Suggestion 1:
> >>In any "city window" there is a "next city" button.  I think this
> >>button should bring the cities in the order that they were in the
> >>previou window.  For example, in the "all cities window" called with
> >>key F1, I would sort the cities by "food", select all cities with
> >>negative food and click on "popup" so that I could change them. In
> >>this case, the next button would be extremelly handy.
> Then Raimar Falke wrote:
> >The first version of the new city dialog sorted the cities by
> >IIRC. Currently it is sorted by founding order (as does Civ3). I agree
> >that adopting the cityrep sorting is nice. But it may also be counter
> >intuitive. I found the way Civ3 and now also Freeciv does it quite
> >nice.
> Silvio Santana:
> Hi.

> I also agree that the cities should be sorted by founding order
> in the All-Cities-Window called with F1. I see no problem on this.

There is currently no way to sort the cities in founding order in the
All-Cities-Window. The order in which the "next", "prev" buttons work
in the normal city dialog is the city founding order.

> What I tried to say, and perhaps my English mess it, was that:
> 1) When playing, in the All-Cities-Window, I would click the Food 
> column, so that I would identify easily all the cities with negative 
> food. Now what? I have to change them, in order to make the food surplus 
> positive. So I would select all of them, with the SHIFT key, and them 
> click on the POPUP button. After correcting the first city, I would 
> click the Next-City-Button in the City-Window, and then... voila, the 
> next city to come should be the next with negative food surplus, just 
> the way I have sorted them in the previous window.

I understood you the first time.

> 2) The same kind of thing could be done to make things easier,
> to adjust the cities which need attention. In the Messages-Window we 
> have all the cities which have grown, the cities where famine is feared, 
> the cities in civil disorder, etc... It would be
> wonderful if the "Next-Button" brought the cities in the order
> that they were mentioned in the Messages-Window (again, in this
> case, the previous window), so that we could easily correct all
> the cities where something interesting happened, whithout having
> to walk through each and every city where things may be fine.

Nice idea and the logical extension of 1).

> 3) I don't think that either of these two is counter-intuitive. Now,
> when the City-Window was brought by a click directly on a city, on the 
> graphic map, then, I agree, there is no context, so the Next-Button in 
> the City-Windows could bring the next city in any particular order, for 
> example, foundation order.

This point depends heavily on how people use the next/prev buttons. So
people when and how do you use it?

> 4) To bring the cities with the Next-Button always in foundation order
> is most of time useless. "Foundation Order" doesn't mean much to
> strategy as "Cities-where-I-DO-have-to-do-someting" does.

If I don't have a huge amount of cities it is quite nice to go through
all cities starting at the first and see if you have to change the
caravan production into a new improvement. I did this with civ3 which
doesn't have our "change all" feature. You stop at the city which
already has a worklist of initial buildings. But as I said this
depends strongly on how you manage your cities.


 email: rf13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Make a software that is foolproof, and only fools will want to use it.

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