Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#2749) place_land_type in mapgen

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#2749) place_land_type in mapgen

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To: kayeats@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#2749) place_land_type in mapgen
From: "rwetmore@xxxxxxxxxxxx via RT" <rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:15:06 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

At 02:03 PM 03/01/07 -0800, kayeats@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx via RT wrote:
>Sorry, I didn't sent this to rt the first time.
>> > I think that using gradient simply looks nicer.  Instead of always
>> > big piles of mountains in the middle of the continent (which in reality
>> > occurs only when two land plates meet (eg India and Asia)) you sometimes
>> > get that and sometimes get coastal mountain ranges.  Try a really big map
>> > and I think you'll see that just using height looks rather funny.  Maybe
>> > this is really a problem with the heightmap generation, I don't know.
>> > I've left it for the time being; its just a case of changing "parameter"
>> > in the function in question, which I'll do if you're really convinced
>> > using height is best.
>> It's the simplest, but if it really looks better...
>Well that's always an opinion sort of thing.  I think it looks better; I
>think its worth it.  If you don't agree (or if other people in general
>don't agree) then so be it.

Besides being rather unnatural, continents with continuous high domed 
mountain centers are just a big waste of space. Mixing mountains/hills 
with other terrain means they actually need to be used and developed.
Mountain ranges can be very useful as defensive elements and guide the
directions in which Civ borders develop, i.e. introduce tactics.

One should actually try these algorithms out in play and at least look 
at the maps to see what the difference is. Karen's explanation is good
but seeing is believing ...

>> Yes, that's what I had in mind.  So why PLAINS were more convenient for
>> you?
>Because to place plains on a base of grass I need an inverse height
>function and since there are no implicit functions in C (as I understand
>it anyway) I would have had one more silly little function cluttering up
>the works, wheras changing to plains involved essentially no cost and
>I could use the same height function as for oceans and swamps.

That PLAINS are more widely distributed, or GRASS is easier to distribute
in places where it should be as opposed to should not be is a *very* good 
rationale. Make sure it appears in a comment!

>> I was just thinking of increasing the probability of desert/jungle/forest
>> at (x,y) if there is a forest around and then generating it in three or so
>> calls to the same function, so it would imitate the 3 levels of
>> recursion...
>I hadn't thought of that.  Its not quite this easy because forests you
>place during an iteration easily cause the whole thing to run away with
>itself.  The best I could come up with is what I have now for
>make_forests, it's a bit convoluted.
>I set the parameter in forest_fn higher than I think is prettiest, but it
>looks more like it used to this way and will make the fairness people
>happier (same issue as the parameter in make_grass -- see patch 3 of 3).
>When doing the forests, I realized that my calculation of dpart in
>desert_fn was wrong on two counts --- 65 and 105 are not equal distances
>from 90, and I hadn't normalized properly.  So I've now fixed that as

I'm not sure I like your distribution functions yet. In any algortihm
in which you calculate probabilities in advance, then distribute 
purely according to probabilities, you lose a lot of local effect
ability. Once you place a forest tile, there needs to be heightened
probablity of a neighbouring tile being forest. The same for swamps
and deserts. Mountains/hills are different in that you *do* want to
break up clumps of these with at least running valleys.

The current algorithm is somewhat like generator2-4 island placement
for the clumpy terrain types, in that it picks a seed tile and works
outwards from it for awhile, then picks a new seed tile. This is not
a bad way to handle local effects. Swamps grow uniformly, deserts
with an E_W bias and forests with a N_S bias. The latter reflects
prevailing wind patterns and a natural effect on terrain distribution.
It would be a shame to lose such things.

Also, before final commit, make sure you do *not* do allocations 
with whole_map_iterate. You will bias things to the fixed order of
this iteration. Allocate with a scrambled order to remove this, or
you may find your low probability terrain is always predominantly
in the northwest quadrant or the like.

But generally these techniques are quite intriguing and certainly
an improvement on CVS mapgen.c.


>Index: server/mapgen.c
>RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/server/mapgen.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.105
>diff -u -r1.105 mapgen.c
>--- server/mapgen.c    2003/01/05 23:24:52     1.105
>+++ server/mapgen.c    2003/01/07 21:38:06
>@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
> static int *height_map;
> static int maxval=0;
>-static int forests=0;
> struct isledata {
>   int goodies;
>@@ -67,210 +66,310 @@
> /* this is used for generator>1 */
> #define MAP_NCONT 255
> /**************************************************************************
>-  make_mountains() will convert all squares that are higher than thill to
>-  mountains and hills. Notice that thill will be adjusted according to
>-  the map.mountains value, so increase map.mountains and you'll get more 
>-  hills and mountains (and vice versa).
>-static void make_mountains(int thill)
>-  int mount;
>-  int j;
>-  for (j=0;j<10;j++) {
>-    mount=0;
>-    whole_map_iterate(x, y) {
>-      if (hmap(x, y)>thill) 
>-      mount++;
>-    } whole_map_iterate_end;
>-    if (mount < (map_num_tiles() * map.mountains) / 1000)
>-      thill*=95;
>-    else 
>-      thill*=105;
>-    thill/=100;
>-  }
>+  Checks if land has not yet been placed on tile at (x, y) (because land is 
>+  plains based this just means checking if there are plains at (x, y))
>+static bool not_placed(x, y)
>+  return map_get_terrain(x, y) == T_PLAINS;
>+  Places land according to a function, used for mountains, hills, 
>+  swamps, deserts, oceans, and grassland/plains.  "function" is assumed
>+  to have range at most 0 to 100 inclusive
>+ *************************************************************************/
>+static void place_ter_type(enum tile_terrain_type ter, 
>+                          int function(int, int), int total)
>+  int count = 0;
>+  int percent, i, val;
>+  int level = - 1;
>+  int max = 100;
>+  int *dist;
>+  /* make the distribution of the placing function */
>+  dist = fc_calloc (max + 1, sizeof(int));
>+  for (i = 0; i <= max; i++){
>+    dist[i]=0;
>+  }  
>   whole_map_iterate(x, y) {
>-    if (hmap(x, y)>thill &&map_get_terrain(x,y)!=T_OCEAN) { 
>-      if (myrand(100)>75) 
>-      map_set_terrain(x, y, T_MOUNTAINS);
>-      else if (myrand(100)>25) 
>-      map_set_terrain(x, y, T_HILLS);
>+    if (not_placed(x, y)) {
>+      val = function(x, y);
>+      if ((val > 100) || (val < 0)) {
>+      freelog(LOG_VERBOSE, "Value %d of function in place_ter_type is not"
>+              " in the range 0 to 100 inclusive at (%d, %d); ignoring \n", 
>+              val, x, y);
>+      }
>+      else {
>+      dist[val]++;
>+      }
>     }
>   } whole_map_iterate_end;
>+  /* Now place land according to the distribution. */
>+  /* First determine the maximum value (level) of function such that
>+   * the number of tiles that have function value less than level is
>+   * at most total  */
>+  while ((level < max) && (count <= total)) {
>+    level++;
>+    count += dist[level];
>+  }
>+  /* now place land of type ter at all tiles with function value
>+   * less than level along with the appropriate fraction of tiles with
>+   * function value equal to level so as to get the correct total */
>+  if (level < 0) {
>+    /* didn't go through the while loop successfully, so we want to place
>+     * none of this tile type, thus do nothing */
>+  } else{
>+    percent = dist[level] ? 100 - (count - total) * 100 / dist[level] : 0;
>+    whole_map_iterate(x, y){
>+      if ((function(x, y) < level) && not_placed(x, y)){
>+      map_set_terrain(x, y, ter);
>+      }
>+      else if ((function(x, y) == level) && (myrand(100) < percent) 
>+             && not_placed(x, y)) {
>+      map_set_terrain(x, y, ter);
>+      }
>+    } whole_map_iterate_end;
>+  }
> }
> /**************************************************************************
>- add arctic and tundra squares in the arctic zone. 
>- (that is the top 10%, and low 10% of the map)
>-static void make_polar(void)
>+  One widely used function for place_ter_type is the height recalibrated
>+  this assumes that the minimum value of hmap is 0 as is the case if 
>+  adjust_map has been called.
>+static int height_fn(int x, int y)
> {
>-  int y,x;
>+  return hmap(x, y) * 100 / maxval;
>-  for (y=0;y<map.ysize/10;y++) {
>-    for (x=0;x<map.xsize;x++) {
>-      if ((hmap(x, y)+(map.ysize/10-y*25)>myrand(maxval) &&
>-         map_get_terrain(x,y)==T_GRASSLAND) || y==0) { 
>-      if (y<2)
>-        map_set_terrain(x, y, T_ARCTIC);
>-      else
>-        map_set_terrain(x, y, T_TUNDRA);
>-      } 
>-    }
>-  }
>-  for (y=map.ysize*9/10;y<map.ysize;y++) {
>-    for (x=0;x<map.xsize;x++) {
>-      if ((hmap(x, y)+(map.ysize/10-(map.ysize-y)*25)>myrand(maxval) &&
>-         map_get_terrain(x, y)==T_GRASSLAND) || y==map.ysize-1) {
>-      if (y>map.ysize-3)
>-        map_set_terrain(x, y, T_ARCTIC);
>-      else
>-        map_set_terrain(x, y, T_TUNDRA);
>-      }
>-    }
>+  For use in make_mountains and make_swamps, gets the maximum difference in 
>+  height between the given tile and 8 surrounding tiles
>+ *************************************************************************/
>+static int tile_max_steepness(int x, int y)
>+  int slope;
>+  slope = -FC_INFINITY;
>+  adjc_iterate(x, y, a, b){
>+    if (hmap(x, y) - hmap(a, b) > slope)
>+      slope = hmap(x, y) - hmap(a, b);
>+  } adjc_iterate_end;
>+  return slope;
>+  The function which determines the distribution of mountains and hills
>+ *************************************************************************/
>+static int mountain_fn(int x, int y)
>+  int parameter; /* a percent determining relative importance of
>+                  * absolute height and steepness */
>+  int slopepart, heightpart, val;
>+  static int slopemax = -1;
>+  static int slopemin = -1;
>+  /* if its the first time through calculate slopemax and slopemin */
>+  if (slopemax == -1) {
>+    slopemin = tile_max_steepness(1, 1);
>+    slopemax = slopemin;
>+    whole_map_iterate(x, y){
>+      val = tile_max_steepness(x, y);
>+      if (slopemin > val)
>+      slopemin = val;
>+      if (slopemax < val)
>+      slopemax = val;
>+    } whole_map_iterate_end;
>   }
>-  /* only arctic and tundra allowed at the poles (first and last two lines,
>-     as defined in make_passable() ), to be consistent with generator>1. 
>-     turn every land tile on the second lines that is not arctic into
>-     since the first lines has already been set to all arctic above. */
>-  for (x=0;x<map.xsize;x++) {
>-    if (map_get_terrain(x, 1)!=T_ARCTIC &&
>-      map_get_terrain(x, 1)!=T_OCEAN)
>-      map_set_terrain(x, 1, T_TUNDRA);
>-    if (map_get_terrain(x, map.ysize-2)!=T_ARCTIC && 
>-      map_get_terrain(x, map.ysize-2)!=T_OCEAN)
>-      map_set_terrain(x, map.ysize-2, T_TUNDRA);
>+  /* set up parameter */
>+  if (map.generator == 1){
>+    parameter = 95;
>+  }
>+  else {
>+    parameter = 30;
>   }
>+  /* now computed the weighted function of slope and absolute height */
>+  if (slopemax == slopemin)
>+    slopepart = (100 - parameter) / 2;
>+  else
>+    slopepart = (tile_max_steepness(x, y) - slopemin) * (100 - parameter)
>+      / (slopemax - slopemin);
>+  if (maxval == 0)
>+    heightpart = parameter / 2;
>+  else
>+    heightpart = hmap(x, y) * parameter / maxval; 
>+  return 100 - slopepart - heightpart;
> }
> /**************************************************************************
>-  recursively generate deserts, i use the heights of the map, to make the
>-  desert unregulary shaped, diff is the recursion stopper, and will be
>-  more if desert wants to grow in the y direction, so we end up with 
>-  "wide" deserts. 
>+  make_mountains uses place_ter_type with a function of both height and 
>+  steepness to place mountains and hills in accordance with map.mountains
> **************************************************************************/
>-static void make_desert(int x, int y, int height, int diff) 
>+static void make_mountains()
> {
>-  if (abs(hmap(x, y)-height)<diff && map_get_terrain(x, y)==T_GRASSLAND) {
>-    map_set_terrain(x, y, T_DESERT);
>-    cartesian_adjacent_iterate(x, y, x1, y1) {
>-      if (x != x1)
>-      make_desert(x1, y1, height, diff-1);
>-      else /* y != y1 */
>-      make_desert(x1, y1, height, diff-3);
>-    } cartesian_adjacent_iterate_end;
>-  }
>+  int mtotal = (map_num_tiles() * map.mountains * map.landpercent) / 20000;
>+  int htotal = mtotal; 
>+  place_ter_type(T_MOUNTAINS, mountain_fn, mtotal);
>+  place_ter_type(T_HILLS, mountain_fn, htotal);
>+  The placing function for arctic and tundra
>+ *************************************************************************/
>+static int polar_fn(int x, int y)
>+  return y > map.ysize - y - 1 ? map.ysize - y - 1 : y;
> }
> /**************************************************************************
>-  a recursive function that adds forest to the current location and try
>-  to spread out to the neighbours, it's called from make_forests until
>-  enough forest has been planted. diff is again the block function.
>-  if we're close to equator it will with 50% chance generate jungle instead
>+ Place arctic and tundra by first making a strip of arctic and then calling
>+ place_ter_type for the rest with a function based on distance from poles,
>+ there is no server option for amount of polar land so we have to guess
> **************************************************************************/
>-static void make_forest(int x, int y, int height, int diff)
>+static void make_polar(void)
> {
>-  if (y==0 || y==map.ysize-1)
>-    return;
>+  int x;
>+  int atotal = (5 * map_num_tiles() * map.landpercent)/20000;
>+  int ttotal = atotal;
>-  if (map_get_terrain(x, y)==T_GRASSLAND) {
>-    if (y>map.ysize*42/100 && y<map.ysize*58/100 && myrand(100)>50)
>-      map_set_terrain(x, y, T_JUNGLE);
>-    else 
>-      map_set_terrain(x, y, T_FOREST);
>-      if (abs(hmap(x, y)-height)<diff) {
>-      cartesian_adjacent_iterate(x, y, x1, y1) {
>-        if (myrand(10)>5) make_forest(x1, y1, height, diff-5);
>-      } cartesian_adjacent_iterate_end;
>-      }
>-    forests++;
>+  /* first the polar strip must be placed */
>+  /* note that atotal is keeping track of the glaciers over land, not
>+     glaciers over water as well */
>+  for (x=0;x<map.xsize;x++) {
>+    map_set_terrain(x, 0, T_ARCTIC);
>+    if (not_placed(x, 0)){
>+        atotal --;
>+    }
>+    map_set_terrain(x, map.ysize-1, T_ARCTIC);
>+    if (not_placed(x, map.ysize-1)){
>+        atotal --;
>+    }
>   }
>+  /* now use place_ter_type for the rest */
>+  place_ter_type(T_ARCTIC, polar_fn, atotal);
>+  place_ter_type(T_TUNDRA, polar_fn, ttotal);
> }
> /**************************************************************************
>-  makeforest calls make_forest with random grassland locations until there
>-  has been made enough forests. (the map.forestsize value controls this) 
>+  forest placing function based on a random factor and proximity of forests
> **************************************************************************/
>-static void make_forests(void)
>+static int forest_fn(int x, int y)
> {
>-  int x,y;
>-  int forestsize = (map_num_tiles() * map.forestsize) / 1000;
>-  forests = 0;
>+  int count = 0;
>+  int parameter = 30;
>-  do {
>-    rand_map_pos(&x, &y);
>-    if (map_get_terrain(x, y)==T_GRASSLAND) {
>-      make_forest(x,y, hmap(x, y), 25);
>-    }
>-    if (myrand(100)>75) {
>-      y=(myrand(map.ysize*2/10))+map.ysize*4/10;
>-      x=myrand(map.xsize);
>-      if (map_get_terrain(x, y)==T_GRASSLAND) {
>-      make_forest(x,y, hmap(x, y), 25);
>-      }
>+  adjc_iterate(x, y, x1, y1) {
>+    if (map_get_terrain(x1, y1) == T_FOREST){
>+      count++;
>     }
>-  } while (forests<forestsize);
>+  } adjc_iterate_end;
>+  return myrand(parameter) + (8 - count) * (100 - parameter) / 8;
> }
> /**************************************************************************
>-  swamps, is placed on low lying locations, that will typically be close to
>-  the shoreline. They're put at random (where there is grassland)
>-  and with 50% chance each of it's neighbour squares will be converted to
>-  swamp aswell
>+  makeforest calls make_forest with random grassland locations until there
>+  has been made enough forests. (the map.forestsize value controls this) 
> **************************************************************************/
>-static void make_swamps(void)
>+static void make_forests(void)
> {
>-  int x,y,swamps;
>-  int forever=0;
>-  for (swamps=0;swamps<map.swampsize;) {
>-    forever++;
>-    if (forever>1000) return;
>-    rand_map_pos(&x, &y);
>-    if (map_get_terrain(x, y)==T_GRASSLAND && hmap(x, y)<(maxval*60)/100) {
>-      map_set_terrain(x, y, T_SWAMP);
>-      cartesian_adjacent_iterate(x, y, x1, y1) {
>-      if (myrand(10)>5 && map_get_terrain(x1, y1) != T_OCEAN) 
>-        map_set_terrain(x1, y1, T_SWAMP);
>-      /* maybe this should increment i too? */
>-      } cartesian_adjacent_iterate_end;
>-      swamps++;
>+  int ftotal = (map_num_tiles() * map.landpercent * map.forestsize) / 10000;
>+  int i;
>+  /* call place_ter_type three times with one third the forests each time, 
>+   * each time through place jungles then afterwards convert to forest; 
>+   * this way in a given call to place_ter_type only
>+   * forests placed in previous calls are taken into consideration */
>+  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){
>+    place_ter_type(T_JUNGLE, forest_fn, ftotal / 3);
>+    whole_map_iterate(x, y){
>+      if (map_get_terrain(x, y) == T_JUNGLE) {
>+      map_set_terrain(x, y, T_FOREST);
>+      }
>+    } whole_map_iterate_end;
>+  }
>+  /* now put the tropical forests back to jungle */
>+  whole_map_iterate(x, y){
>+    if ((map_get_terrain(x, y) == T_FOREST) && 
>+      ((abs(map.ysize/2 - y) < map.ysize * 10 / 180) || 
>+      ((abs(map.ysize/2 - y) < map.ysize * 15 / 180) && 
>+       (myrand(100) > 50)))){
>+      map_set_terrain(x, y, T_JUNGLE);
>     }
>+  } whole_map_iterate_end;
>+  swamps are placed on low lying locations using place_ter_type
>+  (I have tried also taking into account steepness (putting them on flat
>+  land only), it is a tough call as to which is better)
>+static void make_swamps()
>+  int stotal=(map_num_tiles() * map.landpercent * map.swampsize) / 10000;
>+  place_ter_type(T_SWAMP, height_fn, stotal);
>+  Placing function for deserts, based on distance from tropics of cancer or
>+  capricorn and on flatness
>+ *************************************************************************/
>+static int desert_fn(int x, int y)
>+  int parameter = 70;
>+  int dpart, slopepart, val;
>+  static int slopemax = -1;
>+  static int slopemin = -1;
>+  /* if its the first time through calculate slopemax and slopemin */
>+  if (slopemax == -1) {
>+    slopemin = tile_max_steepness(1, 1);
>+    slopemax = slopemin;
>+    whole_map_iterate(x, y){
>+      val = tile_max_steepness(x, y);
>+      if (slopemin > val)
>+      slopemin = val;
>+      if (slopemax < val)
>+      slopemax = val;
>+    } whole_map_iterate_end;
>   }
>+  /* now calculate the weighted function of slope and distance from
tropics */
>+  if (slopemax == slopemin)
>+    slopepart = (100 - parameter) / 2;
>+  else
>+    slopepart = (tile_max_steepness(x, y) - slopemin) * (100 - parameter)
>+      / (slopemax - slopemin);
>+  dpart = (abs(map.ysize * 65 / 180 - y) > abs(map.ysize * 115 / 180 - y) ?
>+           abs(map.ysize * 115 / 180 - y) : abs(map.ysize * 65 / 180 - y))
>+    * parameter * 180 / (65 * map.ysize);
>+  return slopepart + dpart;
> }
> /*************************************************************************
>-  make_deserts calls make_desert until we have enough deserts actually
>-  there is no map setting for how many we want, what happends is that
>-  we choose a random coordinate between 20 and 30 degrees north and south 
>-  (deserts tend to be between 15 and 35, make_desert will expand them) and 
>-  if it's a grassland square we call make_desert with this coordinate, we 
>-  try this 500 times for each region: north and south.
>+  Uses place_ter_type to place deserts
> **************************************************************************/
> static void make_deserts(void)
> {
>-  int x,y,i,j;
>-  i=map.deserts;
>-  j=0;
>-  while (i > 0 && j < 500) {
>-    j++;
>-    y=myrand(map.ysize*10/180)+map.ysize*110/180;
>-    x=myrand(map.xsize);
>-    if (map_get_terrain(x, y)==T_GRASSLAND) {
>-      make_desert(x,y, hmap(x, y), 50);
>-      i--;
>-    }
>-    y=myrand(map.ysize*10/180)+map.ysize*60/180;
>-    x=myrand(map.xsize);
>-    if (map_get_terrain(x, y)==T_GRASSLAND) {
>-      make_desert(x,y, hmap(x, y), 50);
>-      i--;
>-    }
>-  }
>+  int dtotal = (map_num_tiles() * map.deserts * map.landpercent)/10000;
>+  place_ter_type(T_DESERT, desert_fn, dtotal);
> }
> /*********************************************************************
>@@ -759,18 +858,30 @@
> }
> /**************************************************************************
>-  make_plains converts 50% of the remaining grassland to plains, this should
>-  maybe be lowered to 30% or done in batches, like the swamps?
>+  distribution function for grasslands, based on height and a random factor
> **************************************************************************/
>-static void make_plains(void)
>+static int grass_fn(int x, int y)
> {
>-  whole_map_iterate(x, y) {
>-    if (map_get_terrain(x, y) == T_GRASSLAND && myrand(100) > 50)
>-      map_set_terrain(x, y, T_PLAINS);
>-  } whole_map_iterate_end;
>+  int parameter = 50;
>+  if ((map.generator >= 2) && (map.generator <= 4)){
>+    return myrand(100);
>+  }
>+  return myrand(parameter) + height_fn(x, y) * (100 - parameter) / 100;
> }
> /**************************************************************************
>+  make_grass makes grassland on the lowlands that remain using
>+static void make_grass(void)
>+  int gtotal = (map_num_tiles() * map.landpercent * map.grasssize) / 20000;
>+  place_ter_type(T_GRASSLAND, grass_fn, gtotal);
>   we want the map to be sailable east-west at least at north and south pole 
>   and make it a bit jagged at the edge as well.
>   So this procedure converts the second line and the second last line to
>@@ -825,37 +936,25 @@
> **************************************************************************/
> static void make_land(void)
> {
>-  int tres=(maxval*map.landpercent)/100;
>-  int count=0;
>-  int total = (map_num_tiles() * map.landpercent) / 100;
>-  int forever=0;
>-  do {
>-    forever++;
>-    if (forever>50) break; /* loop elimination */
>-    count=0;
>-    whole_map_iterate(x, y) {
>-      if (hmap(x, y) < tres)
>-      map_set_terrain(x, y, T_OCEAN);
>-      else {
>-      map_set_terrain(x, y, T_GRASSLAND);
>-      count++;
>-      }
>-    } whole_map_iterate_end;
>-    if (count>total)
>-      tres*=11;
>-    else
>-      tres*=9;
>-    tres/=10;
>-  } while (abs(total-count)> maxval/40);
>+  int ototal = (map_num_tiles() * (100 - map.landpercent)) / 100;
>+  /* set all tiles to plains */
>+  whole_map_iterate(x, y){
>+    map_set_terrain(x, y, T_PLAINS);
>+  } whole_map_iterate_end;
>+  /* now fill in the oceans and do call the functions which do the rest */
>+  place_ter_type(T_OCEAN, height_fn, ototal);
>   if (map.separatepoles) {
>     make_passable();
>   }
>-  make_mountains(maxval*8/10);
>+  make_polar();
>+  make_mountains();
>+  make_deserts();
>   make_forests();
>   make_swamps();
>-  make_deserts();
>-  make_plains();
>-  make_polar();
>+  make_grass();
>   make_fair();
>   make_rivers();
> }
>@@ -1443,7 +1542,7 @@
>     get_random_map_position_from_state(&x, &y, pstate);
>     if (map_get_continent(x, y, NULL) == pstate->isleindex &&
>-      map_get_terrain(x, y) == T_GRASSLAND) {
>+      not_placed(x, y)) {
>       /* the first condition helps make terrain more contiguous,
>        the second lets it avoid the coast: */
>@@ -1469,7 +1568,7 @@
>           map_set_terrain(x, y, T_RIVER);
>       }
>       }
>-      if (map_get_terrain(x,y) != T_GRASSLAND) i--;
>+      if (!not_placed(x,y)) i--;
>     }
>   }
> }
>@@ -1496,7 +1595,7 @@
>   while (i > 0 && (failsafe--) > 0) {
>     get_random_map_position_from_state(&x, &y, pstate);
>     if (map_get_continent(x, y, NULL) == pstate->isleindex &&
>-      map_get_terrain(x, y) == T_GRASSLAND) {
>+      not_placed(x, y)) {
>       /* the first condition helps make terrain more contiguous,
>        the second lets it avoid the coast: */
>@@ -1568,7 +1667,7 @@
>         return i != 0;
>       }
>-        map_set_terrain(map_x, map_y, T_GRASSLAND);
>+        map_set_terrain(map_x, map_y, T_PLAINS);
>       map_set_continent(map_x, map_y, NULL,  pstate->isleindex);
>         i++;
>       }
>@@ -1826,7 +1925,7 @@
>   for (i = game.nplayers; i > 0; i--) {
>     make_island(10 * pstate->totalmass / totalweight, 0, pstate);
>   }
>-  make_plains();  
>+  make_grass();  
>   free(height_map);
>   height_map = NULL;
>@@ -1911,7 +2010,7 @@
>                 pstate);
>   }
>-  make_plains();  
>+  make_grass();  
>   free(height_map);
>   height_map = NULL;
>@@ -1987,7 +2086,7 @@
>   for (i = game.nplayers; i > 0; i--) {
>     make_island(10 * pstate->totalmass / totalweight, 0, pstate);
>   }
>-  make_plains();  
>+  make_grass();  
>   free(height_map);
>   height_map = NULL;

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