Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: June 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] compile on windows and possible bug with map size

[Freeciv-Dev] compile on windows and possible bug with map size

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] compile on windows and possible bug with map size
From: Christian Stock <cstock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 10:57:39 +1000


I'm trying to compile the cvs freeciv version for win (from yesterday) on my home box (which doesn't have linux anymore, because I ran out of diskspace and was using linux for work only).

The reason why I want to compile it is because the win cvs (and the 1.12.0 version) crashes on a custom made map. I basically doubled the large earth map (so it's 320x180 now). I need that sort of detail and size for a scenario I'm making. It seems to be too big, although in the code it looks like maps can be as big as they want to be, so I suspect a bug in the win client. So I wanted to fix it :)

I'm using MSVC 6.0, and I got really close compiling the server yesterday. First off, since I'm using MSVC, I was stuck with the Although I have lot's of programming experience, I'm not very good when it come to setting things up. I know that I need a config.h and I have worked out a few things on what I need to define and what not, but I have a few problems. Can someone maybe post a working config.h for a win system? And where do I include it, ie where do I define HAVE_CONFIG_H? I defined the win variables in the individual header files which is of course not ideal at all, but it worked to get most stuff compiled for now...

my linking still has 2 problems. When I define NATIVE_WIN (which assume I should), the code uses _beginthreadex, which is undefined. If I include the libraries libcmt.lib or msvcrt.lib, I get conflicts, so what do i do?

also, S_ISREG is undefined. It doesn't seem to be windows related, so how do i fix that?

Thanks for any help!

Cheers, Christian

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