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June 2002: [Freeciv-Dev] [RFC] Path finding implementation. |
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[Freeciv-Dev] [RFC] Path finding implementation.[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index] [Thread Index]
I now have a working implementation of the new path-finding. Unfortunately it isn't yet fitted into the "interface", but the core is fully working and extendable. The queue is implemented as a bucket list. The bucket list is implemented as Ross Wetmore sketched in his warmap.c. Major change: the list is doubly-linked, this is quite necessary. Proposed change: there is no real need to remember both head and tail of each bucket: each bucket can be implemented as LIFO not FIFO, this cutes the size of the whole construct by two. BMCs are provided as call-backs. Once we've identified all necessary BMCs and done some performance tests, they can be hard-wired inside the main loop. pf_parameter is not used. And I don't really see a point in using it: user'd have to allocate it, fill it in, give it to map initialization routine for processing, which seems a waste of time. Just give the map initializator the unit or, if you are doing something exotic, full details. An intermediate case (unit_type + initial_position) can also be done. Lifting the paths from a ready map is not implemented. That shouldn't be a problem though. The definition of the best path is simplified. We can include more information, but I don't yet see any examples which are both doable and useful. As a working example I include a patch to ai_manage_explorer. It becomes trireme-safe, but the drawback is that triremes lack imagination (_always_ keep to the shore). Files: path_finding10.[ch] --- to go into server/ although they should really migrate to client dynamic_pf.diff --- patch to manage_explorer against today's CVS, assumes path_finding10.[ch] are in server/ Best wishes, G.