Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: April 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Ideas for FreeCiv

[Freeciv-Dev] Ideas for FreeCiv

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Ideas for FreeCiv
From: Nova Destruction <nova_destruction@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 04:32:29 -0700 (PDT)
Reply-to: nova_destruction@xxxxxxxxx

Hey! Let me just say that FreeCiv is a great Civ
clone. It has features that should have been in the
comercial Civs.

I got some ideas that I will try to implement my self,
however I am new to Linux programming and am having to
learn some before I will be able to do all of it.

Idea 1:
Okay, in the science dialog, you can tell the client
AI to automaticaly research to a given tech. The
problem is you can see things that are so far down the
list they shouldn't be viewable. This is a good thing,
but it gives the play(s) a little to much power.

Fix 1:
To fix this "bug", try this: Code it so that the only
techs that you can tell the client AI to research to
are techs that you have part base for. EX: If you need
Writing, Construction, and Banking for something, you
have to have at least two of them to begin. The client
AI will determin what the third tech is and try to
obtian it to achive the overall goal.

Also, add and option to the server that allows you to
switch between the current style of tech research
system and this kind of system, just for those of us
(even me) who like the current tech research system.

Idea 2:
Okay, to my knowledge, and this might be wrong, there
is no "load" option for the games you save. I am
willing to bet I missed something, but I'm not sure.

Fix 2:
Add an option to allow loading saved games.

(Feel free to email me back and make me look like a
moron if this already exists.)

Idea 3:
Again, this might already exist: Allow users to save
and load the settings of their servers.

Fix 3:
Well, this is a simple one.

I cant think of anything else right now. I will try to
implement each of these my self, but dont expect to
awful much for now. I need to learn a little bit more
about programming under Linux.

Also, like I said above, feel free to call me a moron
if this stuff is already there in the game.


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