Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: update for isometric scrolling problem (PR#1222)

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: update for isometric scrolling problem (PR#1222)

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To: Freeciv-Dev <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: update for isometric scrolling problem (PR#1222)
From: Jason Short <vze2zq63@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 02:28:21 -0500
Reply-to: jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Vasco Alexandre Da Silva Costa wrote:

On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, Ross W. Wetmore wrote:


Are you suggesting the entire GUI needs to deal with things exclusively
on a pixel basis, for example, topleft needs to have pixel granularity,
or what specifically is the (TM) feature that you are looking for here?

Yes. That is what i was talking about. The topleft should have pixel
granularity. We must deal with things on a pixel basis.

Changing the code to match this is a non-trivial issue, though. The problem is that the topleft corner is dealt with on a per-gui basis. So a first step IMO is to unify these constructs and force every GUI to adapt to the norm.

One alternative is to change each gui independently, starting with GTK. But this is a step in the wrong direction IMO; it just fragments the GUI code even more.

Another alternative is to go ahead and create the mapview struct and put only the offset data into it now. The GUI will continue to use its own storage for the rest of the mapview data. This will be very confusing.

The map canvas has a variable size and this size varies in pixels. Why are we pretending it is a well behaved rectangle that is always a
multiple of the tile size? This is the root of many bugs and oddities in
the map view.

It's a bit more complicated than I think you realize.  The current code has

  #define EXTRA_BOTTOM_ROW (is_isometric ? 6 : 1)

which you might think can be removed entirely if we deal only in pixel coordinates. Not so. In the corecleanups Ross changes this to

/* If we have isometric view we need to be able to scroll a little extra
 *  down. The places that need to be adjusted are the same as above.
 * Note that if the native and view axes are not aligned, there needs
 *  to be a little extra to allow for the bounding box corner to fall
 *  outside rather than just touch the edge.
 * For FLAT-EARTH maps, a little more is needed to get into the corners.
 * This is now a border width split evenly around the mapview with
 *  odd tiles at the BOTTOM/RIGHT (i.e. where scrollbars sit).
 * 2001-12-11 rww
#define EXTRA_SIZED                                 \
  ((get_maptype(MAP_TYPE_ISO) != 0) != is_isometric \
    ? (get_maptype(MAP_TYPE_TORUS) == 0 ?           \
       (is_isometric ? 15 : 9) : 3) : 0)
#define EXTRA_BOTTOM_ROW    ((is_isometric ? 3 : 1) + EXTRA_SIZED )

which at first glance just looks confusing. But what this is trying to do is separate EXTRA_BOTTOM_ROW (which now _does_ go away if we deal only in pixel coordinates) and EXTRA_SIZED, which is an additional fudge factor that hopes to handle the border cases for when isometric maps are used on non-wrapping flat-rectangular worlds, or vice versa.

If that doesn't make sense, try this: suppose we're using an overhead (flat) view GUI on an iso-rectangular non-wrapping map. When we scroll to a border we have a problem:
|    \   | <- off-world, black tiles
|REAL \  |
|WORLD \ |

how do we know when to stop the mapview from scrolling right? At first glance one might think that we should force all 4 corners to be on-map (real) positions, but this makes it very difficult to see the borders of the map (only one border tile can be shown at a time). An easy solution is to just force the center tile to be real, but this doesn't let us line things up when the mapview and the map are coaligned. The current code, which Ross has extended above, checks to see if the mapview and map are coaligned, and if they aren't adds on some extra values to EXTRA_BOTTOM_ROW. This isn't an unreasonable solution, but it still has several problems (1. It forces us to hardcode topology checks into the GUI. 2. It won't scale well, as the values are chosen to work well on a standard-sized mapview window).

This is a very mixed GUI and topological issue, and is pretty tricky to begin with. Trying to deal with it in pixel coordinates will be especially tricky.

We must treat the problem in this fashion: the "map_canvas" is in pixel
coordinates, and the "map" is in tile coordinates.

The coordinates must be translated between these units by a set of
functions. The code should use this set of functions everywhere instead of
doing this ad-hoc like it is doing right now.

The above problem aside, I don't think it will be that difficult. The conversions are currently mostly done in a set of well-defined functions in mapview_common, so most changes will just need to be done there. A few other places will need to be cleaned up.

But, right now mapview_common is crippled because its code cannot directly manipulate mapview data. We have to rely on the calling code to pass in pointers to the data, manipulate them, and then update after we return. This is less than ideal.


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