[Freeciv-Dev] Isometric mode screen updates.
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I added support for tile markers for GTK-client isometric mode. There are
some problems in updating map canvas correctly. I have browsed code to
understand correctly, how drawing in isometric mode is done. But it would
be great help, if there exists some short introduction to
the implementation philosophy of isometric mode. Is there ?
Another concern: When I reimplemented tile markers to use attributes as
only storage, it became necessary to do some memory allocation in
update_map_canvas. I guess that memory allocation in such time critical
function isn't recommended, although I didn't notice an performance
hit. I think I'll move back to a solution, which have two copies of tile
markers data.
Any opinions ?
Thanks in advance,
Teemu Kurppa
- [Freeciv-Dev] Isometric mode screen updates.,
Teemu Kurppa <=