[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Techbulbs (PR#1220)
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On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 09:22:32AM -0800, ue80@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Full_Name: Thomas Strub
> Version: 1.12.1
> Distribution: Built from source
> Client: Both (or N/A)
> OS: Linux
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> When getting a new Tech because the amount of bulbs is reached the number of
> bulbs is resetted.
> Example:
> Citytechoutput 10 Bulbs
> plr->research.bulbs_researched == 35
> total_bulbs_required(plr) == 40
> After getting the new tech the status is 0/50.
> I think it should be 5/50.
AFAIK I haven't changed this recently. Looking at the code reveals
some IMHO inconsistencies:
- if in your above case the 10 bulbs were created by two cities which
each has 5 bulbs output everything is as expected
- if the 10 bulbs however are created by one city the 5 bulbs which
are left over are discarded
If you want to have this changed: do
- found_new_tech(plr, plr->research.researching, 1, 0);
+ found_new_tech(plr, plr->research.researching, 1, 1);
in tech_researched.
email: rf13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
reality.sys corrupt. Reboot Universe? (y,n,q)