Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Technical questions (numbered tile markers )

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Technical questions (numbered tile markers )

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To: freeciv-dev <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Technical questions (numbered tile markers )
From: Teemu Kurppa <tkurppa@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 11:49:37 +0200 (EET)

On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Jason Short wrote:

> > 2. Other clients 
> > Although I've implemented tile markers only for a non-isometric mode of
> > the GTK client, most of the code for tile markers is common to all 
> > clients. However, there is one dependency from the common code to
> > the client specific code: function get_map_pos_under_mouse_pointer. I put
> > the declaration to client/include/mapctrl_g.h. I presume, that I need to
> > define dummy versions of this in all clients to make them compile, right ? 
> If you've added it to mapctrl_g.h then you must add at least a stub to 
> other functions.  But be aware that if the code is called the stub must 
> behave intelligently.  

This can be done. If stub returns NULL (or FALSE, see below), current code
behaves well. 

> Also, I'm no GUI expert, but it looks to me like 
> such code can be used in multiple places throughout the GUI - but 
> perhaps such a thing already exists?  I don't know.

I searched for one, but I didn't found. GoTo functionality uses global

> Your get_map_pos_under_mouse_pointer uses a different structure from 
> most other map code.  You malloc a map_position structure, and return it 
> to give the values.  Most other code places the x and y values into 
> pointer parameters passed in, and returns TRUE or FALSE to indicate 
> whether the values have meaning.  The only real problem with your way of 
> doing it is that it means youmust free() the pointer later.

Yeah, I noticed this. I'm too used to functional programming and
garbage collectors, so I disliked pointer parameters. It takes some time
to set your brains back to the C-mode :)   
I'll change my code to resemble other code. You are right, it's more
convenient that way. 


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