Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: October 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: AI - cleaning (Was: Re: [UPDATE] Corecleanup_08 patch

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: AI - cleaning (Was: Re: [UPDATE] Corecleanup_08 patch

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To: "Ross W. Wetmore" <rwetmore@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Ross W. Wetmore" <rwetmore@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: AI - cleaning (Was: Re: [UPDATE] Corecleanup_08 patch)
From: Gregory Berkolaiko <gberkolaiko@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 18:29:46 +0100 (BST)

 --- "Ross W. Wetmore" <rwetmore@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
> At 05:44 PM 01/10/05 +0100, Gregory Berkolaiko wrote:
> Not quite :-).  Allow me to restate it again for the record ...
> I certainly do not view everything as a monolithic code unit and have
> no 
> problem splitting things up into smaller pieces when it is time to do 
> the final code review and patches to put things into CVS.

okay, understood

> So you are saying one of the first "splits" you would like to see is a
> pure reformat? This is certainly a legitimate comment and request.


> Do you think there is any chance of this actually being accepted as a 
> CVS patch? If there is agreement that this is desired it is not
> difficult to do.

I hope Raimar will change his opinion and allow us to clean ai/ up.

> === message truncated === 

>Sorry, the "your" is a bit of a misnomer. Once you kick the AI out of
>despotic mode where it builds nothing but small cities and military
>you get these sorts of things. The capitalization stuff should probably
>be looked at to see why, and whatever effects introduced to rebalance

I understand that it is very hard to predict the effect of even smallest
changes in ai/.  It is a well-developed chaos :)

> >Maybe there are parts which are very sensible (like wounded
> >units going back), but it seems I will never find out.

>Now this is where I think you are being quite wrongheaded. The goal of

I was slightly annoyed at being unable to detect actual changes amidst
reformatting.  Sorry.

>I have chased down and killed half a dozen bugs and behaviours now. The 
>bugs turn up when you kick it into new code it doesn't normally run. But

>I find myself starting pretty much from square one each time :-).

FYI I suspect assess_defence_quadratic and assess_defence_backend are
doing the same thing.  and there is absolutely no need to compute the
square root in assess_defence_quadratic, it's all getting squared anyway.

>>And at all stages we will be doing something that is both useful and
>>will go into the CVS.

>I think your optimism is a little unfounded here. This certainly is not 
>the typical direction things usually go.

you mean things do not usually go into CVS?  
well, with some cooperation from Raimar I believe we can manage it.
It won't be too fast, but we are in no hurry I hope.

BTW, do you have any idea what the comment

/* If we have a passenger abord a ship we must be sure he can disembark
This shouldn't be neccesary, as ZOC does not have an effect for sea-land
movement, but some code in aiunit.c assumes the goto work like this, so
I will leave it for now */

is be referring to?  The cargo code in find_the_shortest path is
seriously broken but to fix it I need to know what is it expected to


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