Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Some points

[Freeciv-Dev] Some points

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Some points
From: col@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 12:31:05 +0200

Here are some points from me to think about:

1.) Some fun
What about making a freeciv tourney somewhen in September ? This would be nice 
and funny...

2.) Server
a)The server should become be more democratic (is this spelled right ?!):
If someone wants to change a server variable or want to execute a command, 
there should be a vote first where the players are asked if the command should 
be executed like on Counter-Strike / Quake Servers.
b)If a game ends, the server should restart after some minutes so a new game 
can begin.

3.) GUI
To be able to implement the sounds we should make the GUI displaying one event 
@ once. This makes the game a little bit slower but otherwise including 
event-sounds will become difficult.

4.) Sounds
My sound system works stable and I think that can be included to CVS soon (some 
weeks) so I would suggest we update the sound page on to tell the 
people what sounds we need and how they have to be that they fit into the game. 
Maybe there are also already some people who really wait for a good sound 
system so we maybe distribute the sound.specfile and my E-Mail-adress so they 
can begin making soundsets. When doing so we could make the whole sound 
developpement a lil' bit faster because trying sound events without having the 
right sound is ahhmm... [dumb].

That are some points to discuss, please tell me your position.

David Weisgerber

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