Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: July 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] server/diplomats.c patch - send player info to thief immed

[Freeciv-Dev] server/diplomats.c patch - send player info to thief immed

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: bugs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] server/diplomats.c patch - send player info to thief immediately (PR#834)
From: michaelz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Zinn)
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 02:25:52 -0700 (PDT)

Immediately do a send_player_info after a succesful tech theft;

  - previously, if a player looked at her/his science report right after a 
    theft, outdated infromation would be shown

  - if the tech stolen was the one being researched just now, the science
    report pops up so that a new field can be chosen.

In some sense it might be nicer for this to go in 
server/plrhand.c found_new_tech( ... ) rather than 
server/diplomats.c diplomat_get-tech( ... ), since that seems the most central
place for this update (at least for techs) to occur; however, the detraction is,
I suppose, that doing so could be a little messy if a player gets multiple
techs at once (first to philosopy, completing Darwin's Voyage, or just an
impressive research rate).... civ / civ2 allowed the player to choose his
"field being researched" each time a tech was achieved in these "multiple
advance" situations, whereas freeciv currently isn't able to do so effectively,
since the server has no way that I can see of waiting for a reply to a message;
instead, of course, it just picks a field towards your long term goal itself,
and you only get the choose-a-field dialogue once, after the last tech you
learnt in this "flood". Just something to think about...  

Version: 1.11.7-devel 2001-07-05 04:13 UTC, GTK client
Platform: GNU/Linux (Debian - Woody)

This patch should be fine to go in the 1.11.6 as well ;-) (yay trivial patches)
Michael `Wumpus' Zinn | "The Universe speaks in many languages, but only one
  michael.z@xxxxxxx   |  voice ... it speaks in the language of hope... trust
         <*>          |  ... and compassion; it is the language of the Heart"
                      |    -- G'Kar's Declaration of Principles (Babylon 5)

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  • [Freeciv-Dev] server/diplomats.c patch - send player info to thief immediately (PR#834), Michael Zinn <=