Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Client scripting

[Freeciv-Dev] Client scripting

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Client scripting
From: Anders Wegge Jakobsen <wegge@xxxxxxxx>
Date: 22 Jan 2001 22:35:02 +0100
Reply-to: wegge@xxxxxxxx


 Does anybody currently work on some sort of client-side scripting? My
unhappyness with the limitations of worklists in their current form is
approaching the threshold for the "DO-something!" (TM) exception to be
thrown. The starting point I'm looking at now, is a guile interface to
handle city production. I haven't done any coding yet, but my thoughts
so far is to iterate over all cities at the start and end of each turn
and provide the same information as the city dialog. If this turns out
to be useable, the next logical step would be to handle the units, and
provide an interface to the "global" properties, ie. government, other
players, wonders built etc. When finished, this could be the basis for
clientside AI, but that will probably take quite some time to achieve.

 But, before I start, I just want to check that nobody else is working
on something similar. In that case, I probably won't start myself, but
in that case, I would like to join any existing initiatives if needed.


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