Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Materials in Freeciv

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Materials in Freeciv

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To: "Tomasz Wegrzanowski" <maniek_w@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Freeciv Development Mailing List" <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Materials in Freeciv
From: "SamBC" <sambc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 19:41:35 +0100
Reply-to: <sambc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tomasz Wegrzanowski
> Hard to do this way from 3rd-4th level up.
> You can't have >6 horsefuls per city.
> Oh, but otoh there are many ways to play it.

Stockpile more by using boats as storerooms and never moving them, or by
keeping non-military units mounted (just fortify loads of scouts in a city)

> On some harder level (3rd-5th, dont remember) I once had a war where king
> got at least 3 of my colonies, and king-supporting militia 2 others, and
> they attacked very strongly, but I won anyway.
> Oh, and I conquered all others players, just can't resist. :)

The first time I played (on easy in fact) I lost 1/2 my colonies to the
King's forces. Since then, whatever difficulty I played, I never lost more
than one city, usually none. The trick is to know when to attack, and
stockpile horses & guns.

The other thing is to avoid loyalist militia by generating tons of liberty
bells, so your cities have the best possible level of support for the
revolution. Then you get more super-veteran units as well. Make sure you
have many, many units mounted up & armed in your most populous, most
supportive colonies, so you get lots of these 'Colonial Cavalry', and when
they lose a fight just re-mount them.

But all this gets a little OT, don't you think?

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