Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Materials in Freeciv

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Materials in Freeciv

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To: Greg Wooledge <wooledge@xxxxxxxxxxx>; <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Materials in Freeciv
From: Tomasz Wegrzanowski <maniek_w@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 06:28:45 +0200

Greg Wooledge <wooledge@xxxxxxxxxxx> napisał:
>> ZENIT News Agency <mark@xxxxxxxxx> napisa?:
> I didn't play (much?) on the hard levels, but in my games the endgame was
> a bit different.  I stockpiled as many horses as I could, and a decent
> supply of guns.  Then I made the horseback military units (preferably
> the super-veteran ones -- the ones with the wigs).

Hard to do this way from 3rd-4th level up.
You can't have >6 horsefuls per city.
Oh, but otoh there are many ways to play it.

> When the mother nation landed its troops outside my colony's cities,
> I attacked them in the open (getting a bonus for this).  If my unit
> lost the fight, it simply lost its horse and became a foot soldier --
> so I ordered it back to the nearest town to re-mount.  As long as I had
> enough units and enough horses, it was possible to go without ever losing
> a city *or* a unit during the revolutionary war.

On some harder level (3rd-5th, dont remember) I once had a war where king
got at least 3 of my colonies, and king-supporting militia 2 others, and
they attacked very strongly, but I won anyway.
Oh, and I conquered all others players, just can't resist. :)

> So I suppose the trick is to know how many units the mother nation
> is likely to send, and to amass enough troops (horses!) to deal with
> them before declaring independence.  But it's been years since I played
> Colonization, so there's no way I could even attempt to give a formula --
> or even an educated guess.

You can check size of expedition forces by F<something>.
They can increase during game, but its never > than 10% increase.

> (All this talk is almost enough to make me want to dig up my copy of
> Colonization.  If it were a Windows game I might try Wine; but as I
> recall it's a DOS game, just as Civ1 was.  I don't think I want to play
> it badly enough to boot Win98....)

dosemu should support it.
But I never tried.

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