Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: tolerance, political-correctness, and fascism

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: tolerance, political-correctness, and fascism

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To: Per.Inge.Mathisen@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: tolerance, political-correctness, and fascism
From: Reed Meyer <rdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 21:48:57 -0400 (EDT)

Per wrote:
>> Right, basically it was just intended for scenarios.
>Scenarios that require changes to rulesets are what is now called
>'modpacks', and come with their own ruleset files. For a proper WWII
>scenario, you should change more than just adding one new nation, and so
>you would have to include new rulesets in any case.

Read the previous messages in the thread, please!!!  I said I didn't want
to construct a whole WWII scenario, all right?  Isn't one of the benefits
of open source letting many people contribute to a project?

>To sum up, you
> - still want it in despite massive opposition on the lists

I counted the number of people who were (a) antagonistic towards the
"fascism patch", (b) supportive, or at least certainly didn't complain
about the concept of it, and (c) had constructive criticism about the
patch but weren't antagonistic regarding the concept of it.  When I mean
"fascism patch", I mean the aspects of the original patch (before it was
broken down into parts) that people were considering "offensive": the
inclusion of a Nazi nation and, to a lesser extent, the concept of a
fascism government type.  There are others who posted in the thread but in
fact had nothing substantial to say directly regarding the patch, and
these were not counted.
     So far, 11 people are in group (a), 9 are in group (b), and 4 are in
group (c).  Hardly "massive opposition".  (If you take away the two
Germans who temporarily quit freeciv, groups (a) and (b) are tied!)

> - set conditions on freeciv development if this happens (copyright angst)

No.  I didn't "set conditions".  I just won't contribute, that's all.

> - do not intend to help maintain it

That sentence sounds stronger than the truth.  The Nazi nation is such a
small thing that it's a waste of time fiddling with it every single time
a new code revision comes out.  That doesn't mean I wouldn't be willing to
help maintain freeciv in general (barring the copyright issue).

---Reed Meyer

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