Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: July 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Roadmap changes?

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Roadmap changes?

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To: "Martin Willemoes Hansen" <mwh@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Roadmap changes?
From: "Erik Sigra" <sigra@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 08:36:30 +0200

----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Willemoes Hansen" <mwh@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2000 7:53 PM
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Roadmap changes?

> Hi Freecivers!
> I think the roadmap can be changed a bit, I would be very delighted if
> some of you guys would give some feedback on it, take a look at:
> Now it is a long time since it last was changed I guess ;)
> Martin Willemoes Hansen
> --------------------------------------------------------
> E-Mail mwh@xxxxxxxxxxxx Website
> IRC     MWH, openprojects
> --------------------------------------------------------
I have some feedback for the roadmap here: increment the middle number of
the version until the Civ2 compatibility is completely done. Then increment
the first number to 2 (as in Civ2) and set the middle and last numbers to 0.
Then work with SMAC compatibility and release versions that are more and
more SMAC compatible while incrementing the middle number. When SMAC
compatibility is completely done, increment the first number to 3 and set
the middle and last numbers to 0. If for some reason SMAC compatibility is
reached before Civ2 compatibility then set the verison number to 3.0.0. New
features that are not related to Civ2 or SMAC should affect the middle
number and not the first.

1.12.0 Some bugfixes

1.13.0 Some "Civ 2 Matters" fixed

1.14.0 Some more "Civ 2 Matters" fixed


2.0.0; Complete Civ2 compatibility, which means:
  - Isometric view (Now mentioned at 2.1.0, but should be in 2.0.0 for
complete Civ2 compatibility.)
  - AI does diplomacy with humans and other AIs
  - Historical information that tells at least everythig that is told by the
historical information in Civ2 and then.
  - Throne room feature (art team: pleas look here)
  - City view feature (art team: pleas look here)
  - The other things listed in the section "Civ 2 Matters" (Why are there
some "Civ 2" and som "Civ2" on the page?)
  - Don't remember if Civ2 has sounds. In that case it should be listed

2.x.0 Some SMAC compatibility

2.y.0 Some more SMAC compatibility

2.z.0 Yet som more SMAC compatibility


3.0.0 Complete SMAC compatibility, which means (from
  - Psi combat
  - Civilian types
  - Drone riots (nerve stapling)
  - Governors
  - Alien artifacts
  - Secret Projects
  - Probe teams
  - SMAC Graphics

  - /* The following are in various states of completeness in the FreecivAC
  - SMAC Diplomacy
  - Planetary Council
  - Native life-forms
  - SMAC Technology
  - Social Engineering
  - Compound unit types (and the unit workshop)
  - SMAC Terrain Improvements (for example kelp forests)
  - Water bases (allowed on shallow tiles, with depth* < 1000 m, but should
  - Faction borders
  - Power graph displayed in the client
  - Probably some other stuff that we forgot

*note that the tiles needs to have the property "height" to allow shallows
(with water bases and kelp forests), deep sea, special geographical objects
("Mount Planet", "Garland Crater", "Monsoon Jungle", "Geothermal Shallows",
"Freshwater Sea", ...)

just my .02 SEK :-)

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