Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Another crash

[Freeciv-Dev] Another crash

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To: "'Freeciv-Dev (E-Mail)" <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Another crash
From: Patrick Schmid <patrick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 15:55:11 +0100

This time the GTK client crashed:
Just click on the city Sapporro, and then worklist.

This worklist is fairly long and it is the same as the global worklist.
There are some improvements in it which were postponed, because there have
already been built (I've not commited the recent patch for this).
I just wondered with the new patch, if not applicable improvements, e.g. a
coastel defense for a city located in the middle of a continent, is
postponed or also purged?

Another thing is I still keep getting -1 in Diplomat bribes cost messages,
as you can see in the file, too.

Patrick Schmid
P.S.: I'm sorry that the attachment is not that small. Is it to big for this
mailing list, and if yes, is there any other way  how I could send it?
Microsoft Certified Professional
Email: patrick@xxxxxxxxxxxx
PGP DSS4096 (0x6574B3BC): BD18 A298 94D9 DC00 B0BB  716B 78C4 3488 6574 B3BC

Description: Binary data

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