Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] internationalization

[Freeciv-Dev] internationalization

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To: freeciv developers mailing list <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] internationalization
From: Andy Black <ablack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 21:13:59 -0600


I remembered that the mac includes something called script manager.  The
purpose of script manager is to provide internationalization suport.

If there has not been any decisions on how to tell the server what language
a client is useing I wish to propose the folowing items

1. a packet type of PACKET_SET_LANGUAGE
        The packet contains a payload of an enum (see below).
        The server should be able to accept this packet from a client at
any time.  (the mac can change languages on the fly)
2. add to the capstring on each side a string like "TRANSLATE"
        TRANSLATE meens the side suports the internationalization
3. add a string or variable on each side called langcap that is generated
from the list of languages the program or operating system suports this
string also includes the version of international support.

What we could do is have our own language translation table betwene the ISO
639 language codes and the number sent.  My sugestion is to list the
language codes alphabetically (ie: en comes before zh and after de, even
though English(en) comes after Chinese(zh) and before German(de)), with the
first language having a value of 1.  0 is defined as the default language
(for this project, most likely english).

Is this another of my stupid ideas?

Andy Black

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