[Freeciv-Dev] tech tree & improvement structure overhaul
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The folowing mess is a group of ideas I had on how to overhaul the tech
tree & improvement structure.
inovation format:
0,tech abrev, tech name, tech type, tech cost, expression
expression is a boolien expression that checks validity
type format:
1,tech type, long name, low era, divider 1, era name 1, divider 2,
era name 2, ?, divider N, erra name N
***break points should be ordered in storage***
improvement format
2, name, type flag, movie flag, (if wonder, extent), expression n,
expression s, expression f, sell
type flag is 0 for improvement, 1 for wonder
extent is 2 for global, 1 for continent, 0 for city, -1 for other
expression n is an expressions that modifies variables
expression s is an expression that enables the object
expression f is an expression that disables the object
sell is 1 is sell, 0 is keep
0,pre1, preresiqute 1, wdgt, 50
0,pre2, preresiquite 2, wdgt, 100, (tchexst(pre1)&&tchexst(pre3))
0,pre3, preresiquite 3, wdgt, 50
0,tech, tech name, wdgt, 500, (tchexst(pre1)&&tchexst(pre3)&&tchexst(pre2))
1,wdgt, widgets, junk, 50, shody, 100, bad, 200, good, 500, excelent
2,factory, 0, 0, if active(factory) then {SHIELDS + 10; ELECTRITY+ 5} else
{if Destroyed(factory) {SHIELDS + 2}}, tchexst(pre3), tchexists(tech),0
2,League Of Nations, 0, if exists(League Of Nations) then
{mediator=owner(Leauge Of Nations)}, (tchexst(14 points), exists(United
- [Freeciv-Dev] tech tree & improvement structure overhaul,
Andy Black <=