Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: May 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] Another suggestion.

[Freeciv-Dev] Another suggestion.

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Another suggestion.
From: Martin Willemoes Hansen <mwh@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 20:06:15 +0000

Hi Freecivers!                                       

I was thinking about adding some more realism to the game, its about
loyality against the empereror. It can maybe be thought of as

Ill try to explain what im thinking of. Every city has some degree of  
loyality against its empereror, it could be messured in percent, like a
can be 50%, 75% etc loyal. Minimum 0% and Maximum 100% loyality. Like
nations have falled apart because its people were not loyal to the
empire it
was a part of, ex Roman Empire.

The cities which is selfbuilt gets a 100% loyality degree. When you
a city, then the loyality degree is 0%.
The loyality degree will then encrease each turn, the people is getting
to be a part of your empire, maybe 5% every turn until it reaches 100%.

If the city aint 100% loyal against you, then it will be a "pain in the
ass". Like it will mobilise some partisians to attack you, it will
sabotage (vasting of different kinds of resources money sheels etc).
Some of
the citisens will be unhappy. More stuff could be happening, these are
suggestions. How much pain the city wants to cause you depends of course
how many of the citiesens who arent loyal.

The 5% encrease should be the minimum. Some factors should make it go
faster, like if the city before was govern under a monarchy and it now
is a
democracy the encrease should twice as much.
These factors is of course to be debated.   

The encrease also means a decrease for the other nationalites, the
percentage should be decreased equaliy from all of them.

Here is an example of what a loyality/nationality listing for a city
look like:
German  50%
French  25%
Russian 10%
English 10%
Zulu    5% 

This city has been under german control for some turns. There is 50%
loyality against the German empire. And logicaly there is 50% who wants
be in other empires.
Depending of what actions we chose the city can take with 50% against,
it could look like this:
100% loyals: The city will be normal.
81-99% loyals: Unhappines.
61-80% loyals: Unhappines & Sabotage(shells).
41-60% loyals: Unhappines & Sabotage(shells, gold).
21-40% loyals: Unhappines, Sabotage(shells, gold) & Chance of attacks.
0 -20% loyals: Unhappines, Sabotage(shells, gold) & Attacks(partisans).

There could be a window which showed the nationalities of your citizens
all of your empire.

This is the idea I had, while reading some history books :) It could be
something like this, but this is realy just an outcast of the idea.
Now what do you think about it?

Best regards

Martin Willemoes Hansen

  / /  (_)__  __ ____  __   |  E-Mail  mwh@xxxxxxxxxxxx
 / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   |  IRC     MWH/DR_NICK ; ircnet,
/____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   |  ICQ     11597690               

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