Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 1999:
Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Re:settler server options

Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Re:settler server options

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Re:settler server options
From: David Pfitzner <dwp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 12:25:49 +1100

Peter Schaefer wrote:

> - you ALWAYS will be annoyed if
>   you remove a city by accident
> - you ALWAYS will be annoyed if
>   you can't remove a city you want to remove
>   You might want to remove a city for perfectly legal reasons, e.g.
>   ccidently exceeding your city limit.

Hmm, agreed :-(

> So I ask back (to David) why is it so bad to have buildunitanddisband city 
> int the build menu?
> You could just add a new unit type U_LASTSETTLER
> and then do some magic (changing unit type back to U_SETTLE) in the build 
> function.
> Ok, it's a bit harder to modify the units to build menu not to show  the 
> lastsettler if
> city size is>1.
> But that's 3 places only.

It seems like an ugly hack to me.  You would be adding a new unit 
type which isn't really a new unit type, which I think would
introduce lots of complications and further ugly hacks.

How about this:
We add an extra toggle button to the city dialog somewhere, 
which says whether building a settler should disband that city.  
Plus an extra bit to the city_info packet and city save data.  
New cities (or cities from old games) would default to "don't 
disband", so you have to explicity set the disband toggle for 
each city that you want to be able to disband.  So you're not 
likely to accidently disband cities, but you will be able to 
if and where you want to.

Actually, instead of just one toggle, probably better would
be a "city options" sub-dialog, which could be combined with
the attack-options dialog from Sebastian Fischmeister's 
auto-attack patch.

-- David

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