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[Freeciv-Dev] Mapgen 2 and 3 replacement

[Freeciv-Dev] Mapgen 2 and 3 replacement

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Mapgen 2 and 3 replacement
From: Peter Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 23:23:55 +0100

I want to propose that my map gen patch goes in cvs.

I have tested it under extreme conditions( high landmass,
high x to y ratio, many players ) and it still works, even though
it takes longer for it than the current one.
(The generator takes about twice as long to generate and
place islands, maybe it's just that it's not giving up as fast as the
old one).
If it was in cvs, someone else could have a try at making it faster.
Or maybe just make it broadcast a warning to all players
that it will take some time to generate the map, and maybe a 
progress indicator. Or maybe just make it reject landmass>60 again.
I won't do this myself( exams, work, .. ).

On the plus the side, the mapgens will create lakes on the island,
the islands will have better shapes, and a new feature is added to
map generator 3, which is that it will place 2, sometimes 3 players
on the same island( which will be sized accordingly ) so that
there is fun & combat in the game from the beginning.

A next idea to try out with the mapgen is to use the height map
to keep track of the shorelines of islands, i.e. 
let the (watery) coast have height -1, then -2 farther out etc.
This height could then be used to grow islands directly on the
main map, instead of going thru the time consuming process
of both creating and placing them. One also could make sure islands
stay apart (almost) equally far ( by growing islands first
into areas that are far away from other islands ).
Peter Schaefer           mailto:schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     
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