[freeciv-data] classes.ruleset version 3 plus class_processor
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Here is classes.ruleset with new classes : indian_ocean, pacific, atlantic,
baltic_sea and arctic (with less countries tha Robert proposed).
Also attached are:
classes_reverse, which takes classes.ruleset at stdin
and output at stdout :
class1 nation1 nation2 nation3
class2 nation4 nation5 nation6
class_processor, which opens ./classes.ruleset to read classification,
and takes request on @ARGV (as parameters), and outputs on stdout
ready-to-use nations.ruleset.
Generated ruleset includes barbarians, misc_cities, metadata and comments
cut&pasted from real nations.ruleset.
Example :
$ ./classes_processor 'europe & latinate + ( africa - black )'
; File generated in answer to request ``europe & latinate + ( africa - black )''
description="Nations data for Freeciv, europe & latinate + ( africa - black )"
; Below: nations data in sections [nation_*] for
; all nations available. If you want to have more
; nations just add one at the end. There is a maximum
; of 63 nations however. I hope it is enough :-)
; Notes:
; name = name of the nation
; plural = plural form of the nation name (use "?plural:" qualifier)
; leader = default leader names for the nation
; leader_sex = sex of each default leader: "Male" or "Female"
; flag = string to look for in client tilespec files for
; preferred flag icon
; flag_alt = alternate flag icon string, or "-"
; Next are some hints for AI, as defined in struct player_race
; Ask the guy who designed this struct for more explanation :-)
; AFAIK some of them are not implemented yet.
; attack = c 0 = optimize for food, 2 = optimize for prod
; c0 = large amount of buildings, 2 = units
; expand = c0 = transform first , 2 = build cities first
; civilized = c 0 = do not use nukes, 2 = use nukes, lots of pollution
; advisors = some kind of advisors, not implemented anyway
; tech_goals = technology goals, up to 10
; wonder = primary wonder
; government = wanted government
; cities = city names, of course :-)
; section [misc] currently contains cities suggested when
; you run out of default cities for your nation
*include "nation/boer.ruleset"
*include "nation/carthaginian.ruleset"
*include "nation/catalan.ruleset"
*include "nation/french.ruleset"
*include "nation/italian.ruleset"
*include "nation/portuguese.ruleset"
*include "nation/spanish.ruleset"
; barbarians MUST go last
*include "nation/barbarian.ruleset"
*include "nation/misc_cities.ruleset"
-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my (%nations_in_class);
foreach $line(<>) {
my ($nation,$classes_list) = ($line =~ /(\S+)\s+(.*)/);
my @class_set = split /\s+/,$classes_list;
foreach my $class(@class_set) {
push @{$nations_in_class{$class}}, $nation;
for my $class (sort keys %nations_in_class) {
print $class, ' ' x (20-length $class), join (' ',
@{$nations_in_class{$class}}), "\n";
-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$ruleset_header1 =
description="Nations data for Freeciv, ';
$ruleset_header2 = '"
; Below: nations data in sections [nation_*] for
; all nations available. If you want to have more
; nations just add one at the end. There is a maximum
; of 63 nations however. I hope it is enough :-)
; Notes:
; name = name of the nation
; plural = plural form of the nation name (use "?plural:" qualifier)
; leader = default leader names for the nation
; leader_sex = sex of each default leader: "Male" or "Female"
; flag = string to look for in client tilespec files for
; preferred flag icon
; flag_alt = alternate flag icon string, or "-"
; Next are some hints for AI, as defined in struct player_race
; Ask the guy who designed this struct for more explanation :-)
; AFAIK some of them are not implemented yet.
; attack = c 0 = optimize for food, 2 = optimize for prod
; c0 = large amount of buildings, 2 = units
; expand = c0 = transform first , 2 = build cities first
; civilized = c 0 = do not use nukes, 2 = use nukes, lots of pollution
; advisors = some kind of advisors, not implemented anyway
; tech_goals = technology goals, up to 10
; wonder = primary wonder
; government = wanted government
; cities = city names, of course :-)
; section [misc] currently contains cities suggested when
; you run out of default cities for your nation
sub set_add(%%) {
my %r;
foreach $k(keys %{$_[0]}, keys %{$_[1]}) {
$r{$k} = 1;
return \%r;
sub set_multiply(%%) {
my %s2 = %{$_[1]};
my %r;
foreach my $k(keys %{$_[0]}) {
$r{$k} = 1 if ($s2{$k});
return \%r;
sub set_subst(%%) {
my %s2 = %{$_[1]};
my %r;
foreach my $k(keys %{$_[0]}) {
$r{$k} = 1 unless ($s2{$k});
return \%r;
sub generate_ruleset (@) {
print ";\n; File generated in answer to request ``$request''\n;\n\n";
print $ruleset_header1, $request, $ruleset_header2;
foreach (@_) {
print "*include \"nation/$_.ruleset\"\n";
print "\n;\n; barbarians MUST go last\n;\n";
foreach (sort keys %{$classification{'barbarians'}}) {
print "*include \"nation/$_.ruleset\"\n";
print "\n";
foreach (sort keys %{$classification{'misc_cities'}}) {
print "*include \"nation/$_.ruleset\"\n";
sub execute_operation ($$$) {
my ($s1, $op, $s2) = @_;
if ($op eq '+') {
return set_add ($s1, $s2);
if ($op eq '&') {
return set_multiply ($s1, $s2);
if ($op eq '-') {
return set_subst ($s1, $s2);
return $s2 if ($s2);
return $s1 if ($s1);
die "Wrong operation [$s1 $op $s2]"
sub run_request (@) {
my @tokens = @_;
my (@sets_stack, @ops_stack);
my $depth = 0;
while (@tokens) {
my $token = shift @tokens;
if ($token eq '(') { $depth ++ }
elsif ($token eq ')') {
$depth --;
my $set_last = pop @sets_stack;
$sets_stack[-1] = execute_operation ($sets_stack[-1], pop
@ops_stack, $set_last);
elsif ($token =~ /[+&-]/) {
push @ops_stack, $token;
elsif (defined $sets_stack[$depth]) {
$sets_stack[-1] = execute_operation ( $sets_stack[-1], pop
@ops_stack, $classification{$token} );
} else {
push @sets_stack, $classification{$token};
if (@ops_stack)
{ die "Syntax error somewhere in your request. Probably too many + - or &" }
my @final_set = sort keys %{$sets_stack[0]};
if ($sets_stack[1])
{ die "Syntax error somewhere in your request. Probably unbalanced parens" }
return @final_set;
sub parse_request ($) {
my $request = shift;
my @tokens;
while ($request =~ /\s*([()+&-]|[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*(.*)/) {
push @tokens, $1;
$request = $2;
return run_request (@tokens);
### MAIN ()
unless ($request = "@ARGV") {
print "Run it : $0 [request]\n";
exit 1;
open CLASSES_RULESET, "classes.ruleset";
foreach $line (<CLASSES_RULESET>) {
my ($nation, $classes_list) = ($line =~ /(\S+)\s+(.*)/);
my @nation_in_classes = split /\s+/,$classes_list;
push @nation_set, $nation;
$nation_has_classes{$nation} = \@nation_in_classes;
foreach $nation(@nation_set) {
foreach $class(@{$nation_has_classes{$nation}}) {
$classification{$class}{$nation} = 1;
generate_ruleset (parse_request ($request));
-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --
american real modern america white anglosaxon pacific atlantic
arab real medieval modern middle_east semite white indian_ocean
argentine real modern america white latinate antarctic atlantic
australian real modern oceania white anglosaxon antarctic pacific
aztec real ancient america indian pacific atlantic
babylonian real ancient middle_east white semite
barbarian barbarians
bavarian real modern europe germanic white
boer real modern africa white colonization antarctic atlantic
brazilian real modern america latinate white atlantic
canadian real modern america white anglosaxon pacific atlantic arctic
carthaginian real ancient africa mediterranean punic white semite
catalan real modern europe mediterranean latinate white atlantic
chilean real modern america latinate white antarctic pacific
chinese real ancient medieval modern asia yellow pacific
cornish real medieval europe celtic white atlantic
czech real medieval modern europe slavic white
danish real medieval modern europe scandinavia germanic white
north_sea atlantic
dunedain fantasy tolkien
dutch real medieval modern europe germanic white colonization
north_sea atlantic
egyptian real ancient africa middle_east mediterranean black
english real medieval modern white colonization europe anglosaxon
estonian real modern finno_ugric white europe baltic_sea
filipino real modern oceania pacific
finnish real modern scandinavia europe finno_ugric white baltic_sea
french real medieval modern europe latinate white colonization
mediterranean north_sea atlantic
german real ancient medieval modern germanic white europe north_sea
greek real ancient modern europe mediterranean middle_east hellenic
hungarian real medieval modern europe finno_ugric white
inca real ancient indian america pacific
indian real ancient modern asia white indian_ocean
irish real medieval modern celtic white europe atlantic
israeli real ancient modern middle_east semite white
italian real modern latinate white europe mediterranean
japanese real ancient medieval modern asia yellow pacific
kenyan real modern africa black indian_ocean
korean real medieval modern asia yellow pacific
krevi fantasy
latvian real modern baltic white europe baltic_sea
lithuanian real medieval modern baltic white europe baltic_sea
misc_cities misc_cities
mongol real medieval asia yellow
mordor fantasy tolkien
olympic fantasy
persian real ancient middle_east hellenic white indian_ocean
polish real europe medieval modern slavic white baltic_sea
portuguese real medieval modern latinate white colonization europe atlantic
roman real ancient europe mediterranean white punic
russian real medieval modern slavic white europe black_sea pacific
scottish real europe medieval modern celtic white north_sea atlantic
silesian real medieval modern europe slavic white
singaporean real modern asia yellow pacific indian_ocean
sioux real ancient indian america colonization
spanish real medieval modern latinate white europe colonization
mediterranean atlantic
swedish real medieval modern europe scandinavia germanic white
baltic_sea arctic
thai real ancient modern asia yellow pacific indian_ocean
turk real medieval modern europe mediterranean middle_east white
ukrainian real europe medieval modern slavic white black_sea
vietnamese real ancient modern asia yellow pacific
viking real medieval europe scandinavia germanic white north_sea
atlantic baltic_sea arctic
welsh real medieval europe celtic white atlantic
zulu real colonization black africa
- [freeciv-data] classes.ruleset version 3 plus class_processor,
Tomasz Wegrzanowski <=