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[freeciv-ai] (PR#9609) Patch: Separate explorer code into a new file

[freeciv-ai] (PR#9609) Patch: Separate explorer code into a new file

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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [freeciv-ai] (PR#9609) Patch: Separate explorer code into a new file
From: "Gregory Berkolaiko" <Gregory.Berkolaiko@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 07:36:13 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

To make aiunit.c lighter I tear out a chunk of code which is responsible
for managing explorers.

If nobody minds much I will commit this soon.

 Freeciv - Copyright (C) 2004 - The Freeciv Project
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
   any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

#include <config.h>

#include "log.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "unit.h"

#include "path_finding.h"
#include "pf_tools.h"

#include "maphand.h"

#include "ailog.h"
#include "aitools.h"

#include "aiexplorer.h"

  Determine if a tile is likely to be water, given information that
  the player actually has. Return the % certainty that it's water
  (100 = certain, 50 = no idea, 0 = certainly not).
static int likely_ocean(int x, int y, struct player *pplayer)
  int sum;

  if (map_is_known(x, y, pplayer)) {
    /* we've seen the tile already. */
    return (is_ocean(map_get_terrain(x,y)) ? 100 : 0);
  /* Now we're going to do two things at once. We're going to see if
   * we know any cardinally adjacent tiles, since knowing one will
   * give a guaranteed value for the centre tile. Also, we're going
   * to count the non-cardinal (diagonal) tiles, and see how many
   * of them are ocean, which gives a guess for the ocean-ness of 
   * the centre tile. */
  sum = 50;
  adjc_dir_iterate(x, y, x1, y1, dir) {
    if (map_is_known(x1, y1, pplayer)) {
      if (is_cardinal_dir(dir)) {
        /* If a tile is cardinally adjacent, we can tell if the 
         * central tile is ocean or not by the appearance of
         * the adjacent tile. So, given that we can tell, 
         * it's fair to look at the actual tile. */
        return (is_ocean(map_get_terrain(x, y)) ? 100 : 0);
      } else {
        /* We're diagonal to the tile in question. So we can't
         * be sure what the central tile is, but the central
         * tile is likely to be the same as the nearby tiles. 
         * If all 4 are water, return 90; if all 4 are land, 
         * return 10. */
        sum += (is_ocean(map_get_terrain(x1, y1)) ? 10 : -10);
  } adjc_dir_iterate_end;

  return sum;

Is a tile likely to be coastline, given information that the 
player actually has.
static bool is_likely_coastline(int x, int y, struct player *pplayer)
  int likely = 50;
  int t;

  adjc_iterate(x, y, x1, y1) {
    if ((t = likely_ocean(x1, y1, pplayer)) == 0) {
      return TRUE;
    /* If all t values are 50, likely stays at 50. If all approach zero,
     * ie are unlikely to be ocean, the tile is likely to be coastline, so
     * likely will approach 100. If all approach 100, likely will 
     * approach zero. */
    likely += (50 - t) / 8;
  } adjc_iterate_end;

  return (likely > 50);

Is there a chance that a trireme would be lost, given information that 
the player actually has.
static bool is_likely_trireme_loss(struct player *pplayer, int x, int y) 
   * If we are in a city or next to land, we have no chance of losing
   * the ship.  To make this really useful for ai planning purposes, we'd
   * need to confirm that we can exist/move at the x,y location we are given.
  if ((likely_ocean(x, y, pplayer) < 50) || 
      is_likely_coastline(x, y, pplayer) ||
      (player_owns_active_wonder(pplayer, B_LIGHTHOUSE))) {
    return FALSE;
  } else {
    return TRUE;

Return a value indicating how desirable it is to explore the given tile.
In general, we want to discover unknown terrain of the opposite kind to
our natural terrain, i.e. pedestrians like ocean and boats like land.
Even if terrain is known, but of opposite kind, we still want it
-- so that we follow the shoreline.
We also would like discovering tiles which can be harvested by our cities -- 
because that improves citizen placement. We do not currently do this, see
comment below.
#define SAME_TER_SCORE         21
#define DIFF_TER_SCORE         81

/* The maximum number of tiles that the unit might uncover in a move. 
 * #define MAX_NEW_TILES          (1 + 4 * (unit_type(punit)->vision_range))
 * The previous line would be ideal, but we'd like these to be constants
 * for efficiency, so pretend vision_range == 1 */
#define MAX_NEW_TILES          5

/* The number of tiles that the unit can see. =(1 + 2r)^2
 * #define VISION_TILES           (1 + 2 * unit_type(punit)->vision_range)*\
 *                                (1 + 2 * unit_type(punit)->vision_range)
 * As above, set vision_range == 1 */
#define VISION_TILES           9

/* The desirability of the best tile possible without cities or huts. 
 * TER_SCORE is given per 1% of certainty about the terrain, so
 * muliply by 100 to compensate. */
#define BEST_NORMAL_TILE       \

/* We value exploring around our cities just slightly more than exploring
 * tiles fully surrounded by different terrain. */
#define OWN_CITY_SCORE         (BEST_NORMAL_TILE + 1)

/* And we value exploring huts even more than our own cities. */
#define HUT_SCORE              (OWN_CITY_SCORE + 1) 


static int explorer_desirable(int x, int y, struct player *pplayer, 
                              struct unit *punit)
  int land_score, ocean_score, known_land_score, known_ocean_score;
  int range = unit_type(punit)->vision_range;
  int desirable = 0;
  int unknown = 0;
  int continent;

  /* Localize the unit */
  if (is_ground_unit(punit)) {
    continent = map_get_continent(x, y);
  } else {
    continent = 0;

  /* First do some checks that would make a tile completely non-desirable.
   * If we're a trireme and we could die at the given tile, or if there
   * is a city on the tile, or if the tile is not accessible, or if the 
   * tile is on a different continent, or if we're a barbarian and
   * the tile has a hut, don't go there. */
  if ((unit_flag(punit, F_TRIREME) && 
       is_likely_trireme_loss(pplayer, x, y))
      || map_get_city(x, y)
      || map_get_continent(x, y) != continent
      || (is_barbarian(pplayer) && map_has_special(x, y, S_HUT))) {
    return 0;

  /* What value we assign to the number of land and water tiles
   * depends on if we're a land or water unit. */
  if (is_ground_unit(punit)) {
    land_score = SAME_TER_SCORE;
    ocean_score = DIFF_TER_SCORE;
    known_land_score = KNOWN_SAME_TER_SCORE;
    known_ocean_score = KNOWN_DIFF_TER_SCORE;
  } else {
    land_score = DIFF_TER_SCORE;
    ocean_score = SAME_TER_SCORE;
    known_land_score = KNOWN_DIFF_TER_SCORE;
    known_ocean_score = KNOWN_SAME_TER_SCORE;

  square_iterate(x, y, range, x1, y1) {
    int ocean = likely_ocean(x1, y1, pplayer);

    if (!map_is_known(x1, y1, pplayer)) {

      /* FIXME: we should add OWN_CITY_SCORE to desirable if the tile 
       * can be harvested by a city of ours. Just calculating this each
       * time becomes rather expensive. Jason Short suggests:
       * It should be easy to generate this information once, for
       * the entire world.  It can be used by everyone and only 
       * sometimes needs to be recalculated (actually all changes 
       * only require local recalculation, but that could be unstable). */

      desirable += (ocean * ocean_score + (100 - ocean) * land_score);
    } else {
      if(is_tiles_adjacent(x, y, x1, y1)) {
        /* we don't value staying offshore from land,
         * only adjacent. Otherwise destroyers do the wrong thing. */
        desirable += (ocean * known_ocean_score 
                      + (100 - ocean) * known_land_score);
  } square_iterate_end;

  if (unknown <= 0) {
    /* We make sure we'll uncover at least one unexplored tile. */
    desirable = 0;

  if ((!pplayer->ai.control || !ai_handicap(pplayer, H_HUTS))
      && map_is_known(x, y, pplayer)
      && map_has_special(x, y, S_HUT)) {
    /* we want to explore huts whenever we can,
     * even if doing so will not uncover any tiles. */
    desirable += HUT_SCORE;

  return desirable;

  Handle eXplore mode of a unit (explorers are always in eXplore mode 
  for AI) - explores unknown territory, finds huts.

  Returns whether there is any more territory to be explored.
bool ai_manage_explorer(struct unit *punit)
  struct player *pplayer = unit_owner(punit);
  /* Loop prevention */
  int x = punit->x, y = punit->y;

  /* The want of the most desirable tile, given nearby water, cities, etc. */
  float most_desirable = 0;

  /* The maximum distance we are willing to search. It decreases depending
   * on the want of already discovered tagets.  It is defined as the distance
   * at which a tile with BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE would have to be found in
   * order to be better than the current most_desirable tile. */
  int max_dist = FC_INFINITY;

  /* Coordinates of most desirable tile. Initialized to make 
   * compiler happy. */
  int best_x = -1, best_y = -1;

  /* Path-finding stuff */
  struct pf_map *map;
  struct pf_parameter parameter;

#define DIST_FACTOR   0.6

  pft_fill_unit_parameter(&parameter, punit);
  parameter.get_TB = no_fights_or_unknown;
  /* When exploring, even AI should pretend to not cheat. */
  parameter.omniscience = FALSE;

  map = pf_create_map(&parameter);
  while (pf_next(map)) {
    float desirable;
    struct pf_position pos;

    pf_next_get_position(map, &pos);
    /* Our callback should insure this. */
    assert(map_is_known(pos.x, pos.y, pplayer));
    desirable = explorer_desirable(pos.x, pos.y, pplayer, punit);
    if (desirable == 0) { 
      /* Totally non-desirable tile. No need to continue. */
    desirable *= pow(DIST_FACTOR, pos.total_MC);

    if (desirable > most_desirable) {
      most_desirable = desirable;
      best_x = pos.x;
      best_y = pos.y;
      /* We want to break when
       *   most_desirable > BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE * DIST_FACTOR^dist
       * which is equivalent to
       *   most_desirable/BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE > DIST_FACTOR^dist
       *   log(most_desirable/BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE) > dist * log(DIST_FACTOR)
       *   log(most_desirable/BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE)/log(DIST_FACTOR) > dist
      max_dist = log(most_desirable / BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE) / log(DIST_FACTOR);

    if (pos.total_MC > max_dist) {

  /* Go to the best tile found. */
  if (most_desirable > 0) {
    /* TODO: read the path off the map we made.  Then we can make a path 
     * which goes beside the unknown, with a good EC callback... */
    if (!ai_unit_goto(punit, best_x, best_y)) {
      /* Died?  Strange... */
      return FALSE;
    if (punit->moves_left > 0) {
      /* We can still move on... */
      if (!same_pos(punit->x, punit->y, x, y)) {
        /* At least we moved (and maybe even got to where we wnated).  
         * Let's try again. */
        return ai_manage_explorer(punit);          
      } else {
        /* Something went wrong. What to do but return?
         * Answer: if we're a trireme we could get to this point,
         * but only with a non-full complement of movement points,
         * in which case the goto code is simply requesting a
         * one turn delay (the next tile we would occupy is not safe).
         * In that case, we should just wait. */
        if (unit_flag(punit, F_TRIREME) 
            && (punit->moves_left != unit_move_rate(punit))) {
          /* we're a trireme with non-full complement of movement points,
           * so wait until next turn. */
          return TRUE;
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
  } else {
    /* Didn't find anything. */
    UNIT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, punit, "failed to explore more");
    return FALSE;

#undef HUT_SCORE
? ttt.gz
? ai/aiexplorer.c
? ai/aiexplorer.h
Index: ai/
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/ai/,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -r1.18
--- ai/      20 Jun 2004 07:41:14 -0000      1.18
+++ ai/      5 Aug 2004 14:32:53 -0000
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
                aicity.h        \
                aidata.c        \
                aidata.h        \
+               aiexplorer.c    \
+               aiexplorer.h    \
                aiferry.c       \
                aiferry.h       \
                aihand.c        \
Index: ai/aiferry.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/ai/aiferry.c,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 aiferry.c
--- ai/aiferry.c        20 Jun 2004 18:23:38 -0000      1.2
+++ ai/aiferry.c        5 Aug 2004 14:32:54 -0000
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "unittools.h"
 #include "aidata.h"
+#include "aiexplorer.h"
 #include "ailog.h"
 #include "aitools.h"
 #include "aiunit.h"
Index: ai/aiunit.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/ai/aiunit.c,v
retrieving revision 1.323
diff -u -r1.323 aiunit.c
--- ai/aiunit.c 5 Aug 2004 10:41:33 -0000       1.323
+++ ai/aiunit.c 5 Aug 2004 14:32:54 -0000
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
 #include "aicity.h"
 #include "aidata.h"
 #include "aidiplomat.h"
+#include "aiexplorer.h"
 #include "aiferry.h"
 #include "aihand.h"
 #include "aihunt.h"
@@ -291,340 +292,6 @@
   return move_time;
-  Determine if a tile is likely to be water, given information that
-  the player actually has. Return the % certainty that it's water
-  (100 = certain, 50 = no idea, 0 = certainly not).
-static int likely_ocean(int x, int y, struct player *pplayer)
-  int sum;
-  if (map_is_known(x, y, pplayer)) {
-    /* we've seen the tile already. */
-    return (is_ocean(map_get_terrain(x,y)) ? 100 : 0);
-  }
-  /* Now we're going to do two things at once. We're going to see if
-   * we know any cardinally adjacent tiles, since knowing one will
-   * give a guaranteed value for the centre tile. Also, we're going
-   * to count the non-cardinal (diagonal) tiles, and see how many
-   * of them are ocean, which gives a guess for the ocean-ness of 
-   * the centre tile. */
-  sum = 50;
-  adjc_dir_iterate(x, y, x1, y1, dir) {
-    if (map_is_known(x1, y1, pplayer)) {
-      if (is_cardinal_dir(dir)) {
-       /* If a tile is cardinally adjacent, we can tell if the 
-        * central tile is ocean or not by the appearance of
-        * the adjacent tile. So, given that we can tell, 
-        * it's fair to look at the actual tile. */
-        return (is_ocean(map_get_terrain(x, y)) ? 100 : 0);
-      } else {
-       /* We're diagonal to the tile in question. So we can't
-        * be sure what the central tile is, but the central
-        * tile is likely to be the same as the nearby tiles. 
-        * If all 4 are water, return 90; if all 4 are land, 
-        * return 10. */
-        sum += (is_ocean(map_get_terrain(x1, y1)) ? 10 : -10);
-      }
-    }
-  } adjc_dir_iterate_end;
-  return sum;
-Is a tile likely to be coastline, given information that the 
-player actually has.
-static bool is_likely_coastline(int x, int y, struct player *pplayer)
-  int likely = 50;
-  int t;
-  adjc_iterate(x, y, x1, y1) {
-    if ((t = likely_ocean(x1, y1, pplayer)) == 0) {
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-    /* If all t values are 50, likely stays at 50. If all approach zero,
-     * ie are unlikely to be ocean, the tile is likely to be coastline, so
-     * likely will approach 100. If all approach 100, likely will 
-     * approach zero. */
-    likely += (50 - t) / 8;
-  } adjc_iterate_end;
-  return (likely > 50);
-Is there a chance that a trireme would be lost, given information that 
-the player actually has.
-static bool is_likely_trireme_loss(struct player *pplayer, int x, int y) 
-  /*
-   * If we are in a city or next to land, we have no chance of losing
-   * the ship.  To make this really useful for ai planning purposes, we'd
-   * need to confirm that we can exist/move at the x,y location we are given.
-   */
-  if ((likely_ocean(x, y, pplayer) < 50) || 
-      is_likely_coastline(x, y, pplayer) ||
-      (player_owns_active_wonder(pplayer, B_LIGHTHOUSE))) {
-    return FALSE;
-  } else {
-    return TRUE;
-  }
-Return a value indicating how desirable it is to explore the given tile.
-In general, we want to discover unknown terrain of the opposite kind to
-our natural terrain, i.e. pedestrians like ocean and boats like land.
-Even if terrain is known, but of opposite kind, we still want it
--- so that we follow the shoreline.
-We also would like discovering tiles which can be harvested by our cities -- 
-because that improves citizen placement. We do not currently do this, see
-comment below.
-#define SAME_TER_SCORE         21
-#define DIFF_TER_SCORE         81
-#define KNOWN_DIFF_TER_SCORE   51
-/* The maximum number of tiles that the unit might uncover in a move. 
- * #define MAX_NEW_TILES          (1 + 4 * (unit_type(punit)->vision_range))
- * The previous line would be ideal, but we'd like these to be constants
- * for efficiency, so pretend vision_range == 1 */
-#define MAX_NEW_TILES          5
-/* The number of tiles that the unit can see. =(1 + 2r)^2
- * #define VISION_TILES           (1 + 2 * unit_type(punit)->vision_range)*\
- *                                (1 + 2 * unit_type(punit)->vision_range)
- * As above, set vision_range == 1 */
-#define VISION_TILES           9
-/* The desirability of the best tile possible without cities or huts. 
- * TER_SCORE is given per 1% of certainty about the terrain, so
- * muliply by 100 to compensate. */
-#define BEST_NORMAL_TILE       \
-/* We value exploring around our cities just slightly more than exploring
- * tiles fully surrounded by different terrain. */
-#define OWN_CITY_SCORE         (BEST_NORMAL_TILE + 1)
-/* And we value exploring huts even more than our own cities. */
-#define HUT_SCORE              (OWN_CITY_SCORE + 1) 
-static int explorer_desirable(int x, int y, struct player *pplayer, 
-                              struct unit *punit)
-  int land_score, ocean_score, known_land_score, known_ocean_score;
-  int range = unit_type(punit)->vision_range;
-  int desirable = 0;
-  int unknown = 0;
-  int continent;
-  /* Localize the unit */
-  if (is_ground_unit(punit)) {
-    continent = map_get_continent(x, y);
-  } else {
-    continent = 0;
-  }
-  /* First do some checks that would make a tile completely non-desirable.
-   * If we're a trireme and we could die at the given tile, or if there
-   * is a city on the tile, or if the tile is not accessible, or if the 
-   * tile is on a different continent, or if we're a barbarian and
-   * the tile has a hut, don't go there. */
-  if ((unit_flag(punit, F_TRIREME) && 
-       is_likely_trireme_loss(pplayer, x, y))
-      || map_get_city(x, y)
-      || map_get_continent(x, y) != continent
-      || (is_barbarian(pplayer) && map_has_special(x, y, S_HUT))) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  /* What value we assign to the number of land and water tiles
-   * depends on if we're a land or water unit. */
-  if (is_ground_unit(punit)) {
-    land_score = SAME_TER_SCORE;
-    ocean_score = DIFF_TER_SCORE;
-    known_land_score = KNOWN_SAME_TER_SCORE;
-    known_ocean_score = KNOWN_DIFF_TER_SCORE;
-  } else {
-    land_score = DIFF_TER_SCORE;
-    ocean_score = SAME_TER_SCORE;
-    known_land_score = KNOWN_DIFF_TER_SCORE;
-    known_ocean_score = KNOWN_SAME_TER_SCORE;
-  }
-  square_iterate(x, y, range, x1, y1) {
-    int ocean = likely_ocean(x1, y1, pplayer);
-    if (!map_is_known(x1, y1, pplayer)) {
-      unknown++;
-      /* FIXME: we should add OWN_CITY_SCORE to desirable if the tile 
-       * can be harvested by a city of ours. Just calculating this each
-       * time becomes rather expensive. Jason Short suggests:
-       * It should be easy to generate this information once, for
-       * the entire world.  It can be used by everyone and only 
-       * sometimes needs to be recalculated (actually all changes 
-       * only require local recalculation, but that could be unstable). */
-      desirable += (ocean * ocean_score + (100 - ocean) * land_score);
-    } else {
-      if(is_tiles_adjacent(x, y, x1, y1)) {
-       /* we don't value staying offshore from land,
-        * only adjacent. Otherwise destroyers do the wrong thing. */
-       desirable += (ocean * known_ocean_score 
-                      + (100 - ocean) * known_land_score);
-      }
-    }
-  } square_iterate_end;
-  if (unknown <= 0) {
-    /* We make sure we'll uncover at least one unexplored tile. */
-    desirable = 0;
-  }
-  if ((!pplayer->ai.control || !ai_handicap(pplayer, H_HUTS))
-      && map_is_known(x, y, pplayer)
-      && map_has_special(x, y, S_HUT)) {
-    /* we want to explore huts whenever we can,
-     * even if doing so will not uncover any tiles. */
-    desirable += HUT_SCORE;
-  }
-  return desirable;
-  Handle eXplore mode of a unit (explorers are always in eXplore mode 
-  for AI) - explores unknown territory, finds huts.
-  Returns whether there is any more territory to be explored.
-bool ai_manage_explorer(struct unit *punit)
-  struct player *pplayer = unit_owner(punit);
-  /* Loop prevention */
-  int x = punit->x, y = punit->y;
-  /* The want of the most desirable tile, given nearby water, cities, etc. */
-  float most_desirable = 0;
-  /* The maximum distance we are willing to search. It decreases depending
-   * on the want of already discovered tagets.  It is defined as the distance
-   * at which a tile with BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE would have to be found in
-   * order to be better than the current most_desirable tile. */
-  int max_dist = FC_INFINITY;
-  /* Coordinates of most desirable tile. Initialized to make 
-   * compiler happy. */
-  int best_x = -1, best_y = -1;
-  /* Path-finding stuff */
-  struct pf_map *map;
-  struct pf_parameter parameter;
-#define DIST_FACTOR   0.6
-  pft_fill_unit_parameter(&parameter, punit);
-  parameter.get_TB = no_fights_or_unknown;
-  /* When exploring, even AI should pretend to not cheat. */
-  parameter.omniscience = FALSE;
-  map = pf_create_map(&parameter);
-  while (pf_next(map)) {
-    float desirable;
-    struct pf_position pos;
-    pf_next_get_position(map, &pos);
-    /* Our callback should insure this. */
-    assert(map_is_known(pos.x, pos.y, pplayer));
-    desirable = explorer_desirable(pos.x, pos.y, pplayer, punit);
-    if (desirable == 0) { 
-      /* Totally non-desirable tile. No need to continue. */
-      continue;
-    }
-    desirable *= pow(DIST_FACTOR, pos.total_MC);
-    if (desirable > most_desirable) {
-      most_desirable = desirable;
-      best_x = pos.x;
-      best_y = pos.y;
-      /* We want to break when
-       *   most_desirable > BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE * DIST_FACTOR^dist
-       * which is equivalent to
-       *   most_desirable/BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE > DIST_FACTOR^dist
-       *   log(most_desirable/BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE) > dist * log(DIST_FACTOR)
-       *   log(most_desirable/BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE)/log(DIST_FACTOR) > dist
-       */
-      max_dist = log(most_desirable / BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE) / log(DIST_FACTOR);
-    }
-    if (pos.total_MC > max_dist) {
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  pf_destroy_map(map);
-  /* Go to the best tile found. */
-  if (most_desirable > 0) {
-    /* TODO: read the path off the map we made.  Then we can make a path 
-     * which goes beside the unknown, with a good EC callback... */
-    if (!ai_unit_goto(punit, best_x, best_y)) {
-      /* Died?  Strange... */
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-    if (punit->moves_left > 0) {
-      /* We can still move on... */
-      if (!same_pos(punit->x, punit->y, x, y)) {
-       /* At least we moved (and maybe even got to where we wnated).  
-         * Let's try again. */
-       return ai_manage_explorer(punit);          
-      } else {
-       /* Something went wrong. What to do but return?
-        * Answer: if we're a trireme we could get to this point,
-        * but only with a non-full complement of movement points,
-        * in which case the goto code is simply requesting a
-        * one turn delay (the next tile we would occupy is not safe).
-        * In that case, we should just wait. */
-        if (unit_flag(punit, F_TRIREME) 
-            && (punit->moves_left != unit_move_rate(punit))) {
-          /* we're a trireme with non-full complement of movement points,
-           * so wait until next turn. */
-          return TRUE;
-        }
-       return FALSE;
-      }
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-  } else {
-    /* Didn't find anything. */
-    UNIT_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, punit, "failed to explore more");
-    return FALSE;
-  }
-#undef HUT_SCORE
   In the words of Syela: "Using funky fprime variable instead of f in
   the denom, so that def=1 units are penalized correctly."
Index: ai/aiunit.h
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/ai/aiunit.h,v
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -u -r1.52 aiunit.h
--- ai/aiunit.h 20 Jun 2004 07:41:15 -0000      1.52
+++ ai/aiunit.h 5 Aug 2004 14:32:54 -0000
@@ -57,8 +57,6 @@
 int look_for_charge(struct player *pplayer, struct unit *punit,
                     struct unit **aunit, struct city **acity);
-bool ai_manage_explorer(struct unit *punit);
 int turns_to_enemy_city(Unit_Type_id our_type, struct city *acity,
                         int speed, bool go_by_boat, 
                         struct unit *boat, Unit_Type_id boattype);
Index: server/unithand.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/server/unithand.c,v
retrieving revision 1.299
diff -u -r1.299 unithand.c
--- server/unithand.c   27 May 2004 22:14:19 -0000      1.299
+++ server/unithand.c   5 Aug 2004 14:32:55 -0000
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
 #include "srv_main.h"
 #include "unittools.h"
+#include "aiexplorer.h"
 #include "aitools.h"
-#include "aiunit.h"
 #include "unithand.h"
Index: server/unittools.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/server/unittools.c,v
retrieving revision 1.296
diff -u -r1.296 unittools.c
--- server/unittools.c  3 Aug 2004 00:05:35 -0000       1.296
+++ server/unittools.c  5 Aug 2004 14:32:55 -0000
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 #include "srv_main.h"
 #include "unithand.h"
+#include "aiexplorer.h"
 #include "aitools.h"
 #include "aiunit.h"
 Freeciv - Copyright (C) 2004 - The Freeciv Project
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
   any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

#include "shared.h"             /* bool type */

struct unit;

 * Handle eXplore mode of a unit (explorers are always in eXplore mode 
 * for AI) - explores unknown territory, finds huts.
 * Returns whether there is any more territory to be explored.
bool ai_manage_explorer(struct unit *punit);

 * TODO: Enable AI build new explorers.  Either (the old way) write a 
 * function yo estimate a city's want to build an explorer or 
 * (the new way) estimate nation-wide want for explorers and find a city 
 * which will build them.

#endif /* FC__AIEXPLORER_H */

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  • [freeciv-ai] (PR#9609) Patch: Separate explorer code into a new file, Gregory Berkolaiko <=