[freeciv-ai] Re: Patch Army
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En/na Raahul Kumar ha escrit:
--- Jordi Negrevernis i Font <jorneg@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Well, i've been developing a patch for giving to the ai the capacity
to make coordinate mass attacks against a city. It does handle a total
of 8 attacking units, 4 defensive units and 4 naval units.
Not quite enough units. Since your code assesses the city's defence, attacking
units should be 2-3 times the amount of defending units in the city.
This is a very good start Jordi. You have done some fantastic work with this
patch. Please keep going!
Thanks. Sorry about the spelling...
This is the first stage of the patch...
In fact, my intention was to coordinate attacks en mass with ground
attack units protected with defense units, warships and subs with
missiles and nukes...
But now is time to study, so don't wait for modifications till
Anyway, if anyone wants to modify the patch you can freely do it...
- How do i know if there is a city in the attack direction?
I don't know what you mean by this. Your code selects a dest city, and your
units move there.
The problem here is that sometimes there are city with walls in the
road that leads to the objective. First we should attack the city with
walls - or not attack the city behind it.
- Which are the wants for the units? While debugging i get want >
101 many times, before i evaluate army_advisor_choice!! I knew they were
between 0 and 100!!
Ross? This is probably not your fault Jordi.
Anyway, in the function army_advisor_choose_build() you don't know
how to compute the benefit.
- i need to calculate the mean of a couple of units. But i get a
wrong result! Which is the mean of (77, 15) and (5,12) if the
coordinate of the map are (80,50) ???!!!!
I am guessing that you want to figure out the average travel time from the
co-ords (77,15) and (5,12) to (80,50) ? I'm afraid you will have to use warmap
for ground units. The algorithm will be
Iterate through units on 77,15
pick slowest unit
generate warmap for dest co-ords(80,50)
return turns to dest
Do the same for 5,12
Add (result1 + result 2)/2, and you will have avg travel time.
Note: This function may *not* work properly for your armies. Naval units can't
go everywhere. Only works for ground and air units.
I just want to evaluate a center point of a couple of units.
+ aiarmy.c \
+ aiarmy.h \
Jordi, your functions seem to remove the need for FSTK, PAW and some other ai
functions. You should probably re-read those functions and chop out everything
you've alread done in your code.
I do call process_attacker_want in army_advisor_choose_build, but
not in the rest of the code. I don't want the army to attack a cannon in
the field, i want the army to attack a city.
You need fewer armies of larger size. It is better to have 2 armies of size 10
than 4 armies of size 5.
Yes, true.
+ Function for compute the accept switches of an army.
computing the type and amount of units allowed to join an
+ Function for assigning continents to armies.
+ its assigns the seven continents with more cities to player's armies.
I disagree. You should assign the same continent to all your armies until there
are no more enemy units/cities on that continent.
Yes, but this because the code to transport an army betwen
continents is not done :-)
+void assign_army_continent(struct player *pplayer)
+{ struct {
+ int ncont;
+ int count;
+ } continent[50], x; /* arbitrary value */
+ struct pcity *pcity;
+ int numcont, n, i, ndx;
You use a lot of magic numbers. 50 and 9999 keep popping up in the code.
Same as last answer.
+ Function for assign or not a unit to an army.
+bool assign_unit_to_army(struct player *pplayer, struct ai_army *parmy,
struct unit *punit)
+{ bool success = FALSE;
+ int ndx;
+ if ( is_ground_unit(punit) &&
+ ( parmy->continent == map_get_continent(punit->x, punit->y) ||
parmy->continent == 0 ) ) {
+ /* we try to assign to that army depending on type */
+ if ( (unit_has_role(punit->type, L_ATTACK_FAST) ||
+ unit_has_role(punit->type, L_ATTACK_STRONG)) &&
parmy->accept_attack) {
+ /* attacking units */
+ for (ndx = 0; ndx < MAX_ATTACK_PER_ARMY; ndx++) {
+ if ( parmy->attack_unit[ndx] == 0 ) {
+ parmy->attack_unit[ndx] = punit->id;
+ success = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( unit_has_role(punit->type, L_DEFEND_GOOD) &&
parmy->accept_defense) {
+ /* defending units */
+ for (ndx = 0; ndx < MAX_DEFENSE_PER_ARMY; ndx++) {
+ if ( parmy->defense_unit[ndx] == 0 ) {
+ parmy->defense_unit[ndx] = punit->id;
+ success = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_water_unit(punit->type) && parmy->accept_naval) {
+ /* sea attacking units */
+ for (ndx = 0; ndx < MAX_NAVAL_PER_ARMY; ndx++) {
+ if ( parmy->naval_unit[ndx] == 0 ) {
+ parmy->naval_unit[ndx] = punit->id;
+ success = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (void)recalculate_accept_units(parmy);
I'm not sure I like your casting of recalculate_accept_units to void.
I could be wrong, but I didn't notice you using the return value anywhere.
Is used. It returns the number of unit in the army. Maybe the name
is wrong...
+ Desire to attack that city, based on city trade, our attack force and
+ its defence capability.
+double army_desire_attack_city(struct ai_army *parmy, struct city *pcity)
+{ int ndx;
+ struct unit *punit;
+ int defense = 0;
+ int attack = 0;
+ defense = assess_defense(pcity);
+ for (ndx = 0; ndx < MAX_ATTACK_PER_ARMY; ndx++) {
+ if ( parmy->attack_unit[ndx] != 0 ) {
+ punit = find_unit_by_id(parmy->attack_unit[ndx]);
+ if (!punit)
+ continue;
+ attack += unit_belligerence_basic(punit);
+ }
+ }
+ if (attack == 0)
+ attack = 1;
+ if ( defense == 0 ) {
+ return 99999;
+ } else {
+ return ((pcity->trade_prod + (pcity->size * POPULATION_WEIGHT) * attack)
/ defense);
+ }
Good function. You don't consider wonders/capital city though.
Yes, my fault.
+ desire /= real_map_distance(parmy->army_x, parmy->army_y,
acity->x, acity->y);
+ /* is that occupied city mine? */
+ if (acity->original == pplayer->player_no) desire *= 1.50;
+ /* favour cities in capital continent */
+ if ( capital_continent == map_get_continent(acity->x, acity->y) )
desire *= 1.50;
I though it was standard Freeciv policy not to use Floating point math. You may
have missed the discussion. 1.50 = 3/2
I don't know that. Anyway if had many problems with desire equal to
0 when using ints.
+ Function to group the atttacking units prior to attack a city.
attacking! Sorry to nitpick your spelling.
+ Returns a TRUE if are all together and can proceded to attack.
+bool army_group_troups(struct player *pplayer, struct ai_army *parmy)
+{ struct unit *punit_first = NULL;
+ struct unit *punit = NULL;
+ struct unit_type *punittype;
+ struct city *pcityobj = NULL; /* city victim */
+ struct city *pcitynear = NULL; /* our city nearest */
+ int first_unit_id = 0;
+ int ndx;
+ int res;
+ int result = FALSE;
+ /* first unit is the leader unit, find it */
+ for (ndx = 0; ndx < MAX_ATTACK_PER_ARMY; ndx++) {
+ if ( parmy->attack_unit[ndx] != 0 ) {
+ first_unit_id = parmy->attack_unit[ndx];
+ punit_first = find_unit_by_id(first_unit_id);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* sanity check */
+ if ( !first_unit_id ) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ switch (parmy->state)
+ {
+ /* if we are attacking doesn't need to enter here */
+ return TRUE;
+ /* we retrieve the objective */
+ pcityobj = find_city_by_id(parmy->objective_id);
+ if (!pcityobj ) {
+ /* fall back */
+ parmy->state = ARMY_STATE_FORMING;
+ parmy->objective_id = 0;
+ parmy->attack_needed = 0;
+ parmy->meeting_id = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* we retrieve the nearest city of objective */
+ /* we find the nearest city of the objective to coordinate attack to a
+ for a unit is not necessary */
+ pcitynear = find_nearest_friendly_city(punit_first, pcityobj->x,
+ if (!pcitynear ) {
+ /* fall back */
+ parmy->state = ARMY_STATE_FORMING;
+ parmy->objective_id = 0;
+ parmy->attack_needed = 0;
+ parmy->meeting_id = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ parmy->meeting_id = pcitynear->id;
+ if ( !pplayers_allied(city_owner(pcitynear), pplayer) ) {
+ /* fall back */
+ parmy->state = ARMY_STATE_FORMING;
+ parmy->objective_id = 0;
+ parmy->attack_needed = 0;
+ parmy->meeting_id = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (army_power(parmy) > parmy->attack_needed ) {
+ /* we are grouping the forces if we have an objective that we can
attack! */
+ parmy->state = ARMY_STATE_GROUPING;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* we retrieve the objective */
+ pcityobj = find_city_by_id(parmy->objective_id);
+ if (!pcityobj ) {
+ /* fall back */
+ parmy->state = ARMY_STATE_FORMING;
+ parmy->objective_id = 0;
+ parmy->attack_needed = 0;
+ parmy->meeting_id = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* we retrieve the nearest city of objective */
+ pcitynear = find_city_by_id(parmy->meeting_id);
+ if (!pcitynear ) {
+ /* fall back */
+ parmy->state = ARMY_STATE_FORMING;
+ parmy->objective_id = 0;
+ parmy->attack_needed = 0;
+ parmy->meeting_id = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ if ( !pplayers_allied(city_owner(pcitynear), pplayer) ) {
+ /* fall back */
+ parmy->state = ARMY_STATE_FORMING;
+ parmy->objective_id = 0;
+ parmy->attack_needed = 0;
+ parmy->meeting_id = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* there is some unit far enough to wait? */
+ res = TRUE;
+ for (ndx = 0; ndx < MAX_ATTACK_PER_ARMY; ndx++) {
+ /* attacking units */
+ if ( parmy->attack_unit[ndx] != 0 ) {
+ } else {
+ /* go there */
+ punit->goto_dest_x = pcitynear->x;
+ punit->goto_dest_y = pcitynear->y;
+ set_unit_activity(punit, ACTIVITY_GOTO);
+ result = do_unit_goto(punit, GOTO_MOVE_ANY, FALSE);
+ if (result == GR_DIED) {
+ /* We're dead. */
+ parmy->attack_unit[ndx] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (ndx = 0; ndx < MAX_DEFENSE_PER_ARMY; ndx++) {
+ /* go to nearest city! */
+ if ( (punit->x == pcitynear->x) && (punit->y == pcitynear->y) ) {
+ /* we are in the city, is the unit damaged?
+ if true recover hit points, if not idle */
+ punittype = get_unit_type(punit->type);
+ if (punit->hp < punittype->hp) {
+ res = FALSE;
+ }
+ /* does the unit have all movement points? */
+ if (punit->moves_left < punittype->move_rate) {
+ res = FALSE;
+ }
You've done the hp/mp recovery twice. It maybe be worthy of being a function.
+ Function to find a unit of the army which needs protection.
+bool find_attacking_unit_whitout_defense
whitout = without
+ Did the attack function finish & conquerer or killed
+ the enemy position?
+bool did_army_finish_attack(struct player *pplayer, struct ai_army *parmy)
+{ struct city *pcityobj;
+ if ( parmy->state == ARMY_STATE_ATTACKING ) {
+ /* conquering cities */
+ pcityobj = find_city_by_id(parmy->objective_id);
+ if (!pcityobj) {
+ /* we erase the city */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (city_owner(pcityobj) == pplayer) {
+ /* we conquer the city */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
You seem to have an extra return false here.
+ Function that disbands an army if we have allocated units without
+ an objective.
+void eventually_disband_army(struct ai_army *parmy)
+ if ( recalculate_accept_units(parmy) > 0 ) {
+ /* we have troups allocated */
+ if ( parmy->objective_id == 0 ) {
+ /* disband army */
+ disband_army(parmy);
+ }
+ }
Why not just assign it another objective?
Yes, it should be.
diff -Nur -b -Xfreeciv-cvs-Oct-25/diff_ignore freeciv-cvs-Nov-16/ai/aiarmy.h
--- freeciv-cvs-Nov-16/ai/aiarmy.h Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
+#ifndef FC__AIARMY_H
+#define FC__AIARMY_H
+#include "shared.h" /* bool type */
+/* defined in player.h
Too many armies!
Transport per army should be calculated based on number of ground units in army
divided by transport capacity.
This is because i don't know how the transport paranoia works. This
may be removed when the army uses the ai transport code.