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[aclug-L] Re: Ideas for June Meeting?

[aclug-L] Re: Ideas for June Meeting?

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: Ideas for June Meeting?
From: James Lancaster <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 22:38:10 -0500
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

I'd suggest for both of you, the same thing I usually suggest for media: 

Mplayer handles Http quite well, All that would be needed would be for your 
browser to be associated with the file, so that it opens the file like 
"mplayer http://server/path/to/file.mpeg"; instead of downloading it. 

This works quite well, I've streamed an MPEG1 file over the internet -> cable 
-> wireless -> zaurus, and that played it perfectly fine. Admittedly most 
good quality media is slightly more bitrate hungry than mpeg1. The drawbacks 
are a lack of ability to seek backwards, (and possibly forward.) 

CPU is not an issue unless the bitrate is very high, or you want to filter it 
as you view it. A Pentium 233MMX is capable of playing 320x240 mpeg4/divx + 
mp3 to a Linux vesafb framebuffer with mplayer. (VIA C3s seem to be a slight 
exception due to their 1/2 speed fpu on all but the newest ones to this 
according to some people, but as I've not used them I can't say for certain.)

You both might try setting up apache, and then testing it via copying the link 
to a command line as "mplayer http://...."; and testing that. (Or, depedinging 
on default config "mplayer -cache 65535 http://..."; for a 64MB cache. If 
either works, then it saves you from having to write another random thing. 

More specifically, for the photos and such, mythtv and freevo seem to aim to 
do what you want. 

If you want more control, (such as the ability to delete programs remotely if 
not using dedicated PVR programs) NFS, FTP, SFTP or SMB sharing can be set up 
very easily the standard way.

James L. 

On Monday 13 June 2005 12:20 am, ironrose wrote:
> I want something simular.  Just the programs that I want to watch and 
> stream music, _my_music_ not downloaded music.  Video streaming won't 
> work on a real cheap cpu.  I don't know how cheap that you are talking 
> about.  I'm interested in perl and shell scripts, I'll pass on java.
> I heard from a customer that Chrisitian Demention is selling custom 
> computers that are a PVR and run X10 technology.  I don't know if they 
> are running windows apps (probably) or linux(hoping, but very slim 
> chance).  Has anyone in group heard about this?  I was going to call 
> them to find out more about what kind of setup that they are using. ~Anne
> michael holmes wrote:
> >This is just for me, when my wife and I record a show, it would be nice
> >to beam it to the laptop plugged in the bedroom tv.  I would eventually
> >like to have the computer sit in the basement with a  300Gig hard drive
> >and be totally controlled by a java interface on a web browser - any in
> >my house.  Other people can buy their on stuff.  This is just for my
> >family.  To watch what was recorded.  It just seems that other people
> >would be interested in doingthe same.  Put a cheap cpu with a web
> >browser in a TV set and beam recorded tv shows from a basement server.
> >Family photos, music......
> >
> >
> >
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