Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: May 2004:
[aclug-L] Motherboard+

[aclug-L] Motherboard+

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Motherboard+
From: DAVID CARMICHAEL <dec2955@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 30 May 2004 01:18:35 -0700 (PDT)
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

Anybody here want an older Gigabyte(??)"GA586T2" AT
style socket seven motherboard that uses both dimm's
and simms??

It was a working system but the memory, and harddrive
were pulled and moved to another system... leaving the
case, 120 watt Power Supply, MB, CPU of unknown
speed.. 233 mhz or less?, video, 10mbps nic, floppy
and dual 24X cd rom drives.

If you happend to have memory around this system would
make a nice little firewall system using one of the
many 'micro' cd-rom distros of linux.


[note: If I had memory I would keep fo my self!]
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