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[aclug-L] Re: FW: [presentations] August Meeting Topic?

[aclug-L] Re: FW: [presentations] August Meeting Topic?

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: FW: [presentations] August Meeting Topic?
From: ironrose <ironrose@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2003 10:19:36 -0500
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

Most of the topics presented in ACLUG are kind of an introduction to the 
topic, enough to get you interested enough to investigate more or a 
person  has too many irons in the fire and pass the subject up for now.  

What I have found out is that PHP can do dynamic web pages without the 
cost of ASP and it is much faster than CGI.  Many people who have 
experience with programming in C can get up to speed using PHP in a 
short time.  Since the dot com solutions aren't raking in the money like 
they thought or hoped, a more cost effective solution would be better. 
 I am definately interested in learning more about the topic and I was 
curious if others were also.

Tom Hull wrote:

>ironrose wrote:
>>I thought that we already had a topic and a speaker planned.  I don't 
>>remember who or the topic--I think it was a networking topic.  Do we 
>>have someone in the group familiar with PHP--enough to give a 
>>presentation?  ttyl ~Anne
>I thought one topic that had been proposed (not sure if for this month)
>was Linux distros that could be booted from cd or floppy w/o install.
>With regard to PHP, that's a pretty big topic for a presentation. One
>could do the usual quick glossover -- what is it? why use it? how to
>install/configure it? -- but that doesn't get very far. One could
>concentrate on one specific area: e.g., the HTTP interfaces, or
>specific subsets of that, like forms handling or cookies; the MySQL
>interface is another subset that is somewhat manageable (assuming
>you already have PHP and MySQL working separately). Or one could
>look at a specific PHP-based application, and how to extend it --
>PostNuke, for instance, would be a totally different presentation
>from anything general on PHP, although it would require some (not
>total) PHP expertise to get into it.
>What I would be tempted to do for PHP (and I don't see this as a
>possibility for next week's meeting) would be to solicit written
>questions ahead of time, then run through the most generally useful
>ones at the meeting, instead of giving a presentation per se. This
>would help whoever's doing this to prepare ahead of time, to set
>the level of technical detail, etc. It might also allow for a mix
>of technical levels, so people at different levels can all get
>something out of it.
>Meanwhile, let me throw out one request for something I would like
>to see someone do a presentation on: how do I set up a local mail
>management system that can fetch mail from various sources (cox
>plus others), do some spam filtering, route the mail locally to
>several recipients (some virtual), manage small mailing lists
>locally, send mail, etc. Probably doesn't have to go into mail
>clients, although that would be a plus, too. I have only the
>vaguest idea how to do these things, but I need something along
>these lines, and I suspect that other people do as well.
>>Dale W Hodge wrote:
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: presentations-bounce@xxxxxxxxx
>>>[mailto:presentations-bounce@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dale W Hodge
>>>Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 12:45 PM
>>>To: presentations@xxxxxxxxx
>>>Subject: [presentations] August Meeting Topic?
>>>It's time to pick a topic for this month's meeting.  Any suggestions?  Any

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